Microservices - Continuation support

In this tutorial we will look closer into continuation support and how to implement it to a microservice in order to only import changed data into Sesam.


After you complete this tutorial you would have learned the following:

  1. How to implement continuation support in a Microservice

  2. How to implement continuation support in an input pipe


Before starting on this lesson we expect a general understanding of inbound pipes in Sesam and we recommend that you do the tutorial Custom Data Source - The Microservice System as this tutorial is heavily based its results. We also recommend you read the section concerning Continuation support for Microservices in our documentation.

You should also acquire:
  • An account on DockerHub (free)

  • A Hubspot developer account (free)

  • An understanding on how to create Docker images

  • Coding experience (we use Python in this example, but any coding language works as long as you can translate to it from Python)


  • Each API has different functionalities, and not every API supports query parameters to only access updated data. It’s important to thoroughly read the API’s documentation in order to set the correct query parameter as you since parameter.


In addition to importing contacts (see the tutorial Custom Data Source - The Microservice System) the company realizes that importing every contacts every time seems redundant.

The company would like you to add logic to make sure that only contacts that have been updated since the last time Sesam imported data are included in the new batch. This will save both time and money for the company in the long run.

Continuation support with a Microservice

With the Python code and Sesam configurations supplied in the tutorial Custom Data Source - The Microservice System as a basis, we will now add logic to both the Microservice and the collect pipe to make sure that only updated contacts are imported to Sesam. The example below shows one way of applying this logic.

import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask, request
import logging
import os

app = Flask(__name__)
logger = None
format_string = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger('hubspot')

# Log to stdout
stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

api_key = os.environ.get("api-key")
base_url = os.environ.get("base-url")
since_operator = os.environ.get("since-operator")
since_field = os.environ.get("since-field")

def find_epoch(time):
    utc_time = datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
    epoch_time_milliseconds = (utc_time - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()*1000
    return int(epoch_time_milliseconds)

@app.route("/get_contacts", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def get_contacts():
    since = request.args.get('since')
    if since:
        data = json.dumps({"filterGroups":[{"filters":[{"propertyName": since-field,"operator": since-operator,"value": find_epoch(since)}]}]})
        url = base_url + "/objects/contacts/search?hapikey={}".format(api_key)
        res = requests.post(url=url, data=data, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
        url = base_url + "/objects/contacts/?hapikey={}".format(api_key)
        res = requests.get(url=url)

    if res.status_code != 200:
        logger.error("Unexpected response status code: %d with response text %s" % (res.status_code, res.text))
        raise AssertionError ("Unexpected response status code: %d with response text %s"%(res.status_code, res.text))

    entities = res.json()["results"]
    for entity in entities:
        entity["_updated"] = entity["properties"][since_field]

    return json.dumps(entities)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug=True, host='', threaded=True, port=os.environ.get('port',5000))

Adapting the Microservice

In their documentation, HubSpot states that the search API can be used to filter objects based on the property lastmodifieddate. The first step is make the Microservice passes this value to Sesam in a way that Sesam can store this as an internal since value. This is done by adding the value of the lastmodifieddate property in a new entity attribute: _updated.

entities = res.json () ["results"]
for entity in entities:
entity ["_updated"] = entity ["properties"] [since_field]

The code snippet above ensures that Sesam will register each entity’s lastmodifieddate property and pick the one with highest value and set that value as the pipe’s new pipe_offset. This offset can be viewed in the pipe’s Execution log.

We also need to make sure that the pipe’s pipe_offset is sent back to the Microservice such that we may use that the next time we call the API for updated entities.

since = request.args.get('since')
if since:
    data = json.dumps({"filterGroups":[{"filters":[{"propertyName": since-field,"operator": since-operator,"value": find_epoch(since)}]}]})
        url = "https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/search?hapikey={}".format(api_key)
        res = requests.post(url=url, data=data, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
    url = "https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/?hapikey={}".format(api_key)
    res = requests.get(url=url)
The code snippet above separates the logic into two cases:
  1. The first covers every situation where we wish to ask the API for updated contacts only.

  2. The second case covers situations where we wish to perform a full sync. A full sync can be triggered by resetting the pipe.

This effectively removes the pipe’s pipe_offset and removes the since parameter from the request to the Microservice.

Adapting the System

In addition to the environmental parameters used for the Microservice system in the tutorial Custom Data Source - The Microservice System we will now also have to add the variables since_parameter and since_operator.

Describe why we need to add these variables?

  "_id": "hubspot",
  "type": "system:microservice",
  "docker": {
    "environment": {
      "api-key": "$SECRET(hubspot-api-key)",
      "base-url": "$ENV(hubspot-base-url)"
      "since-field": "lastmodifieddate",
      "since-operator": "GT"
    "image": "<image-url>:<image-tag>",
    "port": 5000
  "verify_ssl": true

Adapting the Pipe

Finally we need to adapt the pipe to handle the _updated property which the entities coming in are now populated with. This is done by setting the pipe’s source parameter supports_since to true.

  "_id": "hubspot-contacts-collect",
  "type": "pipe",
  "source": {
    "type": "json",
    "system": "hubspot",
    "completeness": false,
    "supports_since": true,
    "url": "get_contacts"
  "transform": {
    "type": "dtl",
    "rules": {
      "default": [
        ["copy", "*"],
        ["add", "_id", "_S.id"]
  "pump": {
    "rescan_cron_expression": "0 0 ? * *"
  "add_namespaces": false

It is also a best practice to every now and then do a full rescan of the source, which in this specific case has been set to every day at midnight.

We do this by using a cron expression, like highlighted bellow.

  "_id": "hubspot-contacts-collect",
  "type": "pipe",
  "source": {
    "type": "json",
    "system": "hubspot",
    "completeness": false,
    "supports_since": true,
    "url": "get_contacts"
  "transform": {
    "type": "dtl",
    "rules": {
      "default": [
        ["copy", "*"],
        ["add", "_id", "_S.id"]
  "pump": {
    "rescan_cron_expression": "0 0 ? * *"
  "add_namespaces": false


When finished with this assignment you should still have the same number of contacts inside your Sesam subscription as you do inside your HubSpot account. Only now, if you update one of your HubSpot contacts, only that contact will be imported to your Sesam subscription the next time the pipe runs.

To make sure everything works the way it should you can look at the pipe’s Execution log. The pipe_offset in the Execution Log should now reflect your chosen since value, and processed_last_run should only reflect the number of contacts that has been changed.

In the screenshot below no entities have been changed since 2022-04-22T07:45:39:582Z, which is the value of the pipe’s pipe_offset.

Generic pipe concept