API Best practices

  • Continuation support:

    • Support for querying only the changes since last request.

    • Expose last modified timestamp of the data, this timestamp needs to be reliable.

  • If your API cannot provide continuation support then either provide support for querying or searching. Alternatively provide support for webhooks or other means of signalling.

  • Support for deletion tracking:

    • Soft deletes, return entities that are deleted from the source, marked with a specific attribute that the entity is deleted.

  • Supported entity types should be as similar as possible to the entity types in the underlying data model.

  • Avoid parametrizing sources - make it possible to fetch all the possible objects from a particular endpoint without needing to supply a parameter (parameters can be optional)

  • Idempotent endpoints:

    • A call to the API should yield the same result, no matter how many times the same call is applied.

  • A stable API:

    • Backward compatible API, don’t remove old methods.

    • Notify consumers of changes to the API.

  • Standardized authentication mechanism

    • for ease of use and security, the OAuth 2.0 protocol using Authorization Code flow is most preferred

    • a simpler api key/token can also be used for systems that don’t need to serve as an authentication provider


because our application needs to securely talk to the system on behalf of the user in the background, the OAuth 2.0 Implicit flow is not supported