Transform Functions

A transform function is a function that has side-effects, typically modifying the target entity, and has no return value.





Adds the PROPERTY field(s) to the target entity with the values returned by evaluating the VALUES expression.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

If namespaced identifiers are enabled, then the property will be prefixed by the current namespace. If the property is _id then the string values will be prefixed by the identity namespace. All other properties will have their name prefixed by the property namespace.

["add", "age", 26]

Adds the age property with the value 26 to the target entity.

["add", "upper_name", ["upper", ""]]

Adds the upper_name property to the target entity. The value is the uppercased version of the source entity’s name property.

["concat", "x-", "_S.key"], "_S.value"]

Adds the property returned by the concat function and assigns it the value returned by _S.value.

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Source entity: {}

["add", "age", 26]

Result: {"bar:age": 26}. Adds the bar:age property with the value 26 to the target entity.

["add", "person:age", 26]

Result: {"person:age": 26}. Adds the person:age property with the value 26 to the target entity.

["add", "::age", 26]

Result: {"age": 26}. Adds the age property with the value 26 to the target entity. Note that if the PROPERTY arguments starts with :: it will be interpreted to mean add what ever is after the double colons. See NI escape syntax for more details.

["add", ":age", 26]

Result: {"bar:age": 26}. Adds the bar:age property with the value 26 to the target entity. Note that this example uses the NI escape syntax to reference the current namespace.





Adds the PROPERTY field(s) to the target entity with the values returned by evaluating the VALUES expression, if the CONDITION expression evaluates to True. The CONDITION expression is evaluated with the _ variable bound to the result of the VALUES expression. The CONDITION parameter is optional and defaults to ["neq", "_.", null].


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

If namespaced identifiers are enabled, then the property will be prefixed by the current namespace. If the property is _id then the string values will be prefixed by the identity namespace. All other properties will have their name prefixed by the property namespace.

["add-if", "foo", null]

No changes will be made to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["list"]]

Adds "foo": [] to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["list", null]]

Adds "foo": [null] to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", 123]

Adds "foo": 123 to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["list", 123]]

Adds "foo": [123] to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["list", 123, 456]]

Adds "foo": [123, 456] to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], null]

No changes will be made to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], ["list"]]

No changes will be made to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], ["list", null]]

No changes will be made to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], 12]

No changes will be made to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], 123]

Adds "foo": 123 to the target entity.

["add-if", "foo", ["gte", "_.", 18], ["list", 123]]

Adds "foo": [123] to the target entity.





Evaluates the first THEN for which VALUE is true. If there is no match, then ELSE is evaluated. If there is no ELSE, then it is a no-op.


If you need to specify multiple transforms then wrap them in a list.

["gte", "_S.age", 18], ["add", "group", "adult"],
["gte", "_S.age", 13], ["add", "group", "teenager"],
["gte", "_S.age", 2], ["add", "group", "toddler"],
["lt", "_S.age", 2], ["add", "group", "baby"],
["add", "group", "unknown"]]

Adds {"group": "adult"} if the value of _S.age is greater than or equal to 18,
or {"group": "teenager"} if the value of _S.age is greater than or equal to 13,
or {"group": "toddler"} if the value of _S.age is less than 2,
otherwise {"group": "unknown"}.





Evaluates the first THEN for which VALUE is equal to VALUE_N. If there is no match, then ELSE is evaluated. If there is no ELSE, then it is a no-op.


If you need to specify multiple transforms then wrap them in a list.

["case-eq", "",
"NO", ["add", "country", "Norway"],
"SE", ["add", "country", "Sweden"],
["add", "country", "Other"]]

Given then value of, adds {"country": "Norway"} if the value is "NO" and {"country": "Sweden"} if the value is "SE", otherwise {"country": "Other"} is added.

["case-eq", "_S.dialing_code",
45, ["add", "country_code", "DK"],
46, ["add", "country_code", "SE"],
47, ["add", "country_code", "NO"]]

Given the value of _S.dialing_code, adds {"country": "DK"} if the value is 45 and {"country": "SE"} if the value is 46 and {"country": "NO"} if the value is 47, otherwise it is a no-op.





A transform that does nothing except hold comments. Useful for documenting the transforms, or just disabling transforms inside. Any expressions inside the comment will not be evaluated.
["comment", "This is a comment"]

A single line comment.

"First line",
"Second line",
"Third line"]

A comment that spans multiple lines.





Copies properties in INCLUDE_PROPERTIES from the source entity to the target entity. Any properties matching any of the EXCLUDE_PROPERTIES patterns are not included. INCLUDE_PROPERTIES and EXCLUDE_PROPERTIES can be a single string or a list of strings, where the strings are patterns. * and ? are valid pattern characters.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

The pattern in PROPERTY is namespace aware, so the last colon in the pattern is considered to be the separator between the namespace and the identifier.

["copy", "age"]

Copies the age property from the source entity to the target entity.

["copy", "a*", "ab*"]

Copies all properties starting with a from the source entity to the target entity, but not those starting with ab.

["list", "a*", "b*"],
["list", "ab*", "ba*"]]

Copies all properties starting with a or b from the source entity to the target entity, but not those starting with ab or ba.

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Source entity:
{"age": 36,
"x:age": 36}
"xyz:age": 36}

["copy", "age"]

{ "age": 36.
"x:age": 36,.
"xyz:age": 36}.
Copies the age property in all namespaces to the target entity.

["copy", "x*:*e", "*y*:*e"]

Result: { "x:age": 36 }.
Copies the properties ending with e in all namespaces starting with x, except those in a namespace that contains the character y, to the target entity.





For each entity in VALUES emit them as new entities to the DTLs output pipeline.
Note that these new entities must have an _id string property. Values that are not entities will be ignored.
["create", "_S.orders"]

Emit the orders in the source entity’s orders field as new entities.

["create", ["apply", "order", "_S.orders"]]

Emit the orders in the source entity’s orders field as new entities, but apply the order transform to them first.





For each entity in VALUES add it to the $children property on the target entity. Note that the entities must have an _id string property. Values that are not entities will be ignored.

This function is almost equivalent to:

["add", "$children",
["union", "_T.$children", ...]]

Note that the $children property is special. This function should really only be used when writing into a dataset sink.

If an entity with a $children property is written to the dataset sink then it will compare it against the value of the $children property in the previous version of the entity. It will detect deleted entities and add them to the property before storing the entity.

Note also that there is an emit_children transform that can be used to expand the $children entities into standalone entities.
["create-child", "_S.orders"]

Adds the orders in the source entity’s orders field to the “$children” property on the target entity.





Adds the PROPERTY field(s) to the target entity with the values returned by evaluating the VALUES expression, unless the property already exists. default behaves exactly like add, except that it does not add the property if the property already exists on the target entity. If the property exists it does nothing.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

If namespaced identifiers are enabled, then the property will be prefixed by the current namespace. If the property is _id then the string values will be prefixed by the identity namespace. All other properties will have their name prefixed by the property namespace.

["default", "age", 26]

Adds the age property with the value 26 to the target entity, if the property does not exists.

["default", "upper_name", ["upper", ""]]

Adds the upper_name property to the target entity, if the property does not exists.. The value is the uppercased version of the source entity’s name property.

["concat", "x-", "_S.key"], "_S.value"]

Adds the property returned by the concat function and assigns it the value returned by _S.value, if the property does not exists..

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Source entity: {}

["default", "age", 26]

Result: {"bar:age": 26}. If the target entity does not already have the bar:age property, then the bar:age property with the value 26 is added to the target entity.

["default", "person:age", 26]

Result: {"person:age": 26}. If the target entity does not already have the person:age property, then the person:age property with the value 26 is added to the target entity.

["default", "::age", 26]

Result: {"age": 26}. If the target entity does not already have the age property, then
the age property with the value 26 is added to the target entity. Note that if the PROPERTY arguments starts with :: it will be interpreted to mean add what ever is after the double colons. See NI escape syntax for more details.

["default", ":age", 26]

Result: {"bar:age": 26}. If the target entity does not already have the bar:age property, then the bar:age property with the value 26 is added to the target entity. Note that this example uses the NI escape syntax to reference the current namespace.





This transform is almost identical to filter, but will drop the target entity on the floor. Use it with care as the discarded entity will not be deleted in the sink.

If the evaluation of the UNLESS_CONDITION expression returns false, then stop applying transformations. In this case no target entity is emitted for the source entity. Note that any entities already emitted by create will not be stopped. If you want then make sure that you don’t create them before the discard.

If the UNLESS_CONDITION argument is not given then the target entity will be discarded.


Only use this transform when you know that you’ve never sent an entity with the same _id to the sink before. The reason is that that the entity will then not be deleted in the sink. If you want it to be deleted then use the filter transform instead.

["discard", ["gt", "_S.age", 42]]

Discard the target entity unless the source entity’s age is greater than 42.

["discard", ["eq", "_S.type", "person"]]

Discard the target entity unless the source entity’s type is person.


Discard the target entity unconditionally.





If the evaluation of the UNLESS_CONDITION expression returns false, then stop applying transformations. In this case no target entity is emitted for the source entity. Note that any entities already emitted by create will not be stopped. If you want then make sure that you don’t create them before the filter.

If the UNLESS_CONDITION argument is not given then the filter evaluates to false.


If used with a dataset sink then the filter function will set the _filtered property to true and emit the entity.

The reason for this is so that the dataset sink can detect deleted entities even on incremental syncs, not just on full syncs. Entities with the _filtered property set to true will thus be deleted from the dataset if the entity already exists and it is not already deleted.

The rationale for this behaviour is so that entities that have previous versions get deleted in the resulting dataset when they no longer pass the filter.

If you have more than one transform then you may want to be careful about how you process _filtered entities in subsequent transforms.

If you would like to control how deletions happen, then you should not use the filter function, but instead set the _deleted property.

["filter", ["gt", "_S.age", 42]]

Continue processing only if the source entity’s age is greater than 42.

["filter", ["eq", "_S.type", "person"]]

Continue processing only if the source entity’s type is person.


Stop processing.





If CONDITION evaluates to true then apply the transforms in THEN,
otherwise apply the transforms in ELSE.
Note that the THEN and ELSE arguments can either be a single transform function or a list of transform functions. The list can be empty.


If you need to specify multiple transforms then wrap them in a list.

["if", ["gt", "_S.age", 18],
[["add", "type", "adult"],
["add", "is_adult", true]],
["add", "type", "child"]]
["if", ["eq", "_S.type", "person"], [
["add", "type", "person"],
["copy", ["list", "name", "age"]]]]

If the source entity’s type field is equal person then apply the add and copy transforms. There is no else clause given, which is effectively the same as an empty list with no transforms.

["if", ["gt", "_S.age", 18],
["add", "type", "adult"],
["add", "type", "child"]]

If the source entity’s age is greater than 18 then add type field with value adult, if not add child.





Adds the FROM_PROPERTY field to the target entity’s TO_PROPERTY with string values made into namespaced identifiers in the NAMESPACE namespace. If none of the values can be made into namespaced identifiers then nothing is added. If TO_PROPERTY is omitted then it defaults to FROM_PROPERTY + -ni.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

If namespaced identifiers are enabled, then the property will be prefixed by the current namespace. If the property is _id then the string values will be prefixed by the identity namespace. All other properties will have their name prefixed by the property namespace.

["make-ni", "soccer", "referee", "ref"]

If the source entity has {"referee": "john.doe"} then adds the ref property with the value ~:soccer:john.doe to the target entity.

["make-ni", "hockey", "players"]

Adds the players-ni property to the target entity, if any namespaced identifiers were created.

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Source entity:
{"referee": "john.doe",
"x:referee": "john.c.doe"}

["make-ni", "soccer", "referee"]

{ "referee-ni": "~:soccer:john.doe"
"x:referee-ni": "~:soccer:john.c.doe" }.
Copies all referee properties in all namespaces from the source entity to the target entity. Note that the target properties are suffixed by -ni. The values are converted into NIs by adding the soccer namespace. Any non-string values are ignored.

["make-ni", "soccer", "referee", "ref"]

{ "ref": "~:soccer:john.doe"
"x:ref": "~:soccer:john.c.doe" }.
Copies all referee properties in all namespaces from the source entity to the target entity. Note that the target properties are not suffixed by -ni. The properties keep their namespaces, but the identifier part is replaced by ref. The values are converted into NIs by adding the soccer namespace. Any non-string values are ignored.

["make-ni", "soccer", "x:referee"]

{ "x:referee-ni": "~:soccer:john.c.doe" }.
Copies the x:referee property as x:referee-ni from the source entity to the target entity. The values are converted into NIs by adding the soccer namespace. Any non-string values are ignored.

["make-ni", "soccer", "x:referee", "ref"]

{ "x:ref": "~:soccer:john.c.doe" }.
Copies the x:referee property as x:ref from the source entity to the target entity. The values are converted into NIs by adding the soccer namespace. Any non-string values are ignored.

["make-ni", "soccer", "x:referee", "y:ref"]

{ "y:ref": "~:soccer:john.c.doe" }.
Copies the x:referee property as y:ref from the source entity to the target entity. The values are converted into NIs by adding the soccer namespace. Any non-string values are ignored.





For each entity in VALUES copy all the properties of the value onto the target entity. If the property already exists, it will be overwritten. This means that properties from later value entities win over earlier ones.


Any properties at the root level starting with "_" are filtered out.

["merge", "_S.orders"]

Copies the properties of the entities in _S.orders to the target.

["merge", ["list", {"a": 1}, {"a": 2, "b": 3}]]

Add the properties a=2 and b=3 to the target entity. Note that a=1 is not added because it gets overwritten with a=2 later.





For each entity in VALUES copy all the properties of the value onto the target entity. If the property already exists on the target entity, add the new values as a list of values.


Any properties at the root level starting with "_" are filtered out.

["merge-union", "_S.orders"]

Copies the properties of the entities in _S.orders to the target. Merge the property values if the property already exists.

["list", {"a": 1}, {"a": 2, "b": 3}]]

Add the properties a=[1, 2] and b=3 to the target entity.





Removes the PROPERTY field from the target entity. The PROPERTY can be pattern with * and ? characters in it. The pattern must match the full property names.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

The pattern in PROPERTY is namespace aware, so the last colon in the pattern is considered to be the separator between the namespace and the identifier.

["remove", "age"]

Removes the age property from the target entity.

["remove", "temp_*"]

Removes all properties matching the temp_* wildcard pattern from the target entity.

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Target entity:
{"age": 36,
"x:age": 36}
"y:age": 36}

["remove", "age"]

Result: {}.
Removes the age property in all namespaces from the target entity.

["remove", "x*:age"]

Result: {"age": 36, "y:age": 36}.
Removes the age property in all namespaces starting with x from the target entity.

["remove", "x:age"]

Result: {"age": 36, "y:age": 36}.
Removes the x:age property from the target entity.





Copies the PROPERTY1 field from the source entity to the PROPERTY2 field on the target entity. This is effectively a way to copy and rename properties from the source entity to the target entity. No wildcard patterns are supported.


This transform function is namespaced identifiers aware.

If namespaced identifiers are enabled, then the renaming makes sure that any namespaces on the target entity either keep their original namespaces or all values are collected into a single property on the target.

["rename", "age", "current_age"]

Copies the age field from the source entity and adds it as current_age on the target entity.

["concat", "in-", "_S.key"],
["concat", "out-", "_S.key"]]

Copies the value of the property returned by the first concat function and assigns it to the property returned by the second concat function.

With namespaced identifiers enabled:

"namespaced_identifiers": true,
"namespaces": {
"identity": "foo",
"property": "bar"

Source entity:
{"a": 1,
"x:a": 2}
"xyz:a": 3}

["rename", "a", "b"]

{ "b": 1.
"x:b": 2,.
"xyz:b": 3}.
Renames the a property in all namespaces to b in the same namespace. In practice this renames the identifier part of the namespaced identifiers from a to b. If PROPERTY2 only contains the identifier part of namespaced identifier, then the identifier part of PROPERTY1 will be renamed to this.

["rename", "a", "z:b"]

{"z:b": [1, 2, 3]}.
Collects all the values in the a property in all namespaces into the z:b property. If PROPERTY2 contains a fully qualified namespaced identifier then all values in PROPERTY1 will be collected into this property.

["rename", "x:a", "x:b"]

{"x:b": 2}.
Renames the x:a property to x:b.





A function that makes the pump fail. It can be used to conditionally fail the pump. A string error message can be specified in the first argument.
["fail!", "Processing stopped because of invalid input. Please review."]

Causes the pump to fail. The error message is reported in the pump-failed event in the pump execution dataset.





A function that makes the processing to pause for the given time. The time period is specified in seconds. Use this function with care as it may block other pipes if it pauses for too long.
["sleep!", 10]

The processing pauses for 10 seconds.





A function that makes the pump trip the sink dataset’s circuit breaker. A string error message can be specified in the first argument.
["trip!", "Circuit breaker tripped because of invalid input. Please review and rollback or commit dataset."]

Causes the pump to fail and the sink dataset’s circuit breaker to trip. The error message is reported in the pump-failed event in the pump execution dataset.