
The Sesam service is configured using one or more JSON files. These configuration files can be imported through the service API. They can also be created and edited using the Sesam Management Studio.

Conceptually, the configuration files contains definitions for Systems and Pipes.

The configuration is a JSON array of system and pipe configurations. The configuration entities are JSON objects of the form:

        "_id": "some-solution-wide-unique-id",
        "name": "Name of component",
        "type": "component-type",
        "some-property": "some value"

        "_id": "some-other-solution-wide-unique-id",
        "name": "Name of other component",
        "type": "component-type",
        "some-other-property": "some other value"

It should be noted that all _id property values must be unique across across the solution. This means unique within the sesam.conf.json file but also across all files when a multiple file configuration is used.