



  • Added verify_ssl as a global default in the service metadata. This determines the default value of the verify_ssl property on URL systems. The default value is false.


  • Extended Integrated Search to allow using a well-defined query syntax. Improvements have been made to the search results for namespaced identifiers that have been merged. They now have the same query result page.

  • Added the trigger_on property to the http transform.


  • Added the sleep! DTL transform function.



  • Added the trip! DTL transform function.


  • Added a new property schema_url and system to the JSON schema transform. The schema_url can be used to avoid embedding the schema in your pipe configuration by pointing to an externally stored schema instead. If this is used, the system must be set, and it must point to a valid URL system.


  • Added the possibility to specify permissions to be applied to a system in a permissions pipe property.



  • Added support for using DTL to calculate value of the completeness property on the dataset source at runtime.

  • Added the completeness DTL function.


  • Added the coalesce-args DTL function. This function is different from coalesce in that it evaluates its arguments in order and stops when it finds an argument that is not null. This can in many situations be a lot more efficient.

  • Fixed a bug where timestamps were not parsed correctly during partial rescans.


  • Extended the prevent_multiple_versions property of dataset sinks to also accept the enum "ignore" (in addition to true or the default value false). If set to "ignore" the pipe will silently ignore any updates to existing entities in the dataset (whereas a true value makes the pipe fail when encountering updates).



  • Clarified that the system level headers property on REST systems is used on all requests executed by the system. The keys in this property can be overridden in the individual operations but cannot be discarded.


  • Active use of the sesam-py client will now prevent developer and developer-pro subscriptions from being hibernated. This feature was introduced in version 2.8.0.


  • Hibernation for developer subscriptions are extended to developer pro subscriptions as well.

  • Any automated CI system that requires 24/7 uptime should be moved to a single node. You can still do CI testing with a developer subscription, but hibernation wake-up time must be expected.


  • Execution log entries circuit-breaker-commit and circuit-breaker-rollback are now written when a circuit breaker is committed or rolled back.

  • Added the trace property available on the REST transform, REST source, REST sink and HTTP endpoint source to the global_defaults section of the service metadata. This property, if set, represents the default value for the trace property on these components when not set explicitly in their config. The intention is to be able to turn this feature on globally when debugging or doing development without having to change the individual components.


  • The ni-id and ni-ns DTL functions now accept string arguments.



  • Reduced the minimum number of arguments required for the case DTL function from 4 to 2.

  • Reduced the minimum number of arguments required for the case-eq DTL function from 5 to 3.


  • Added a new next_page_termination_strategy option not-full-page and a new property page_size to the REST system. When this new strategy is enabled, paging will terminate if the number of entities in the response is less than the specified page_size. This new property can also be used in Jinja expressions.


  • We will from now on spin down developer-subscriptions that have had no interaction recently. “Interacted” is defined as clicking around in the Management Studio in the given subscription. After it has been interacted with it will be spun up again, taking about 15minutes. Improvements to the UI to reflect this is being worked on.


  • Added a new refresh_window option to the oauth2 section of the URL system and REST systems. When using refresh tokens, this value (in seconds) is the window to pre-emptively refresh a token that is about to expire. It’s 30 seconds by default. Set this property to 0 if the system doesn’t allow tokens to be refreshed before they expire.


  • Added a new next_page_termination_strategy option same-response to the REST system that is enabled by default. When enabled, paging will terminate if the response is equal to the previous response.


  • Corrected the documentation of sources that have the supports_signalling property to reflect that the threshold for turning off implicit signalling is an hour, not two minutes. Note that you should explicitly turn on or off signalling support using the support_signalling property if you need to have control over this on your pipe.



  • A dataset source with subset now respects the include_previous_versions property (which is false by default). Before this change historical versions were included. The dataset entities API will also now respect the history request parameter for subsets.


  • Updated the documentation of the path DTL function with a description of how non-string items in the PROPERTY_PATH list are treated (they are ignored).




  • Added page and is_first_page bound parameters to the Jinja expressions for the REST transform and REST source. These are useful for including or excluding properties when doing paged operations.

  • Added a "manual" enum to the since_property_location of the REST source - if set, the source will not attempt to add any continuation-related parameter automatically.



  • We decided to revert our recent change of the default value of allowed_status_codes in the REST transform from 200-299 to 200. The change did cause some problems with non-idempotent sinks. The default value is now 200-299.



  • Added the possibility to specify permissions to be applied to the pipe in a permissions pipe property.


  • Added validation_expression property to the HTTP endpoint source. This allows custom request validation for receiver endpoints. This is particularly useful when clients cannot use JWT tokens for authentication.


  • Added a new error_expression property to the operation object properties in the REST system (and any local variants). It is available to the REST source and REST transform and is intended to be used to test for error conditions in responses from systems that don’t use HTTP error codes properly. If it renders to a non-empty string the source or transform will fail. The contents of the rendered error is included in the exception raised to the pipe.



  • Added an add-if DTL transform.



  • Restricted access to pipe runner API for subscriptions not having developer_mode enabled. The motivation is to avoid running tests in production systems as that is disruptive/destructive.


  • Extended the completeness feature to propagate the completeness value of all upstream datasets. You can now also specify the specific upstream datasets that you want a dataset source to have completeness for.


  • Changed the default value of side_effects from false to true for the REST transform and HTTP transforms. Note that this is a change of behavior and will prevent previews from including these types of transforms by default. The motivation for this change is to prevent unintentional changes in the external systems accessed by the transforms when previewing a pipe. You can manually change side_effects to false if you’re sure your transforms are free from such side-effects or if you don’t mind changes happening when previewing a pipe.


  • Added the since bound parameter to the payload, headers and params operation object properties in the REST system (and any local variants) for the REST source.

  • Documented some additional bound parameters available for paged responses in the templated properties for the REST system (and any local variants) and REST source and REST transform.


  • Added support for the missing "HEAD" and "OPTIONS" HTTP methods for operation objects in the REST system (and any local variants). Note that "HEAD" requests will always result in an empty response body, so will not work with replace_entity set to true in the REST transform and requires a response_property to be set for the REST source.


  • Added a special Jinja template marker string "sesam:markjson" that can be used to generate json objects (both objects, lists and single values) from strings in the payload, params and headers operation objects in the REST system (and any local variants). This feature is considered experimental and may change or be removed.


  • Added a special Jinja template marker string "sesam:markskip" that can be used to conditionally drop properties from the payload, params and headers operation objects in the REST system (and any local variants). This feature is considered experimental and may change or be removed.




  • Added a new next_page_termination_strategy option same-next-page-request to operations in the REST system (and any local variants). If included in the next_page_termination_strategy values, it will terminate the paging if it detects that the request to issue is identical to the previous request (i.e. the headers, url, parameters and payload are all the same values). Added this new strategy to the default next_page_termination_strategy, which is now a list of next-page-link-empty and same-next-page-request.

  • Added an “experimental” note to next_page_termination_strategy to indicate that this property is still under development and subject to change/removal.


  • It’s now possible to specify a operations property directly on the REST transform, REST source and REST sink. If present both in the pipe and the system, the pipe version will take precedence. Note that only the system version allows secrets. This is primarily intended as a convenience feature during development; in a production environment if multiple pipes use the same operations configuration, you should consider storing it on the REST system so it can be reused and maintained in one place.


  • Added support for http basic authentication to the Elasticsearch system.

  • Added new options to the trace property of the HTTP endpoint source: log_authorization_header_redacted_bytes, log_response_body_maxsize and log_response_headers.


  • Changed the default allowed_status_codes in the REST transform from 200-299 to 200.

  • REST transform, REST source and REST sink: reverted the payload merge behavior from 2022-12-08. It will now work the way it did previously, i.e as a default fallback mechanism. If payload is defined multiple places, the order of precedence is 1) entity, 2) sink/source/transform and 3) operation. If you need to add a secret to the payload you should add it only to the operation section on the REST system and then use the properties property on the pipe side to dynamically add properties from the entities to the payload via Jinja templating.


  • Documented the response_headers_property configuration property for the REST source.

  • Documented the index_mapping_properties, index_check_document and first_run_delete_query configuration properties for the Elasticsearch sink.



  • All Jinja templates are now using a more strict “undefined variables” check, this means that any reference to a non-existing variable in the template will now throw an exception instead of in some cases rendering an empty string. Note that this is a change in behavior.

  • For security reasons, all Jinja templates are by default executed in a restricted sandbox environment. Note that this means some functions and objects may no longer be available.


  • Added a new property mark_deletion_tracked to the dataset sinks. If set to true (the default is false), a "$deletion_tracked":true property will be added to entities deleted by deletion tracking during full runs or rescans.


  • The scope sub-property of the oauth2 config element of the URL system and REST system now accept single strings as well as arrays of strings.

  • Added a new experimental trigger_on property to the REST transform. This property can be used to selectively pass through entities based on a property of the entity, for instance allowing a chain of REST transforms to use different transforms for different operations.

  • REST system: added new payload_type enum "text" and changed the default to "json" if the payload_type is not set. Note that this is a change of behavior. Setting the payload_type to "text" sets the content-type of the request to "text/plain" if the payload is not of type bytes (and isn’t set explicitly in the headers property of the operation). If the type of the payload is bytes the content-type will be set to "application/octet-stream". All other types will be serialized to a JSON encoded string.

  • The headers and params properties of the operations section of the REST system can now be templated using Jinja expressions.

  • The payload property of the operations section of the REST system and in the REST source , REST transform and REST sink configurations can now be templated using Jinja expressions.

  • Added previous_body and previous_headers named parameters to relevant “templateable” properties of the REST system and in the REST source and REST transform. Note that these are only set for systems that supports paging, for all pages except the first one. Use Jinja’s “is defined” tests in templates that use these to set default values for the first page.


  • Added a new trace property to the HTTP endpoint source. It can be used to log incoming requests to the pipe’s execution log, which can be useful during development or debugging.

  • Documented the do_float_as_int and do_float_as_decimal properties in the HTTP endpoint source. (These properties have existed for a very long time, they have just not been documented until now.)


  • Added a next_page_termination_strategy property to operations in the REST system. This can be used to define how the REST source and REST transform decide when to terminate when using pagination. The default value is next-page-link-empty which means that the paging is considered done if the next_page_link template evaluates to null (or an empty string). The other strategies are empty-result and same-next-page-link which terminates pagination on empty results returned or if the next page link is the same as the current page link, respectively. The strategies can be combined as an array.

  • Added url and request_params bound variables to the next_page_link template. The motivation for this is to support more services that need to construct their pagination links with parts of the current query parameters.

  • Fixed a bug in the REST transform that would cause it to attempt to merge the properties property in the entity with the static version defined in the operation or transform configuration. The correct behavior is to use the entity version if it exists and then fall back to the transform and operation, in that order, if it does not.


  • Added a new if_transform_empty property to the REST transform. It can be used to make the transform fail if it returns an unexpected empty response. The default is to allow empty responses, which could lead to deletion tracking downstream. This property is analogous to the if_source_empty property for sources.


  • The payload property of an operation in the REST system will now be merged with the payload from the pipe if both are dicts. The motivation for this change is to allow payload properties that contain static secrets to be defined in the system.

  • Added a new allowed_status_codes to the REST transform. It can be used to pass through non-ok responses for further processing.

  • Added a new response_status_property to both the REST transform and REST system operation elements that, if specified, holds which property to use for the status code of the response.

  • Documented the response_headers_property configuration property for the REST transform and REST system operation element.


  • Added a new debug option to the pump configuration section: max_seconds_per_entity. It can be used to pinpoint entities that are particularly slow to transform. It will make the pipe fail if the batch uses on average more than the limit number of seconds per entity. It should be used in conjunction with batch_size set to 1 on the pipe to be exact - the execution log will include the first entity in the batch that triggers this limit.



  • Made the since variable available to the url property in the REST system operation configuration. Note it’s only applicable to REST sources with continuation support.

  • Updated the documentation of the REST component Jinja templates with what variables are available to them.


  • A new payload type multipart-form applicable to the REST sink and REST transform has been added.

  • Fixed the example for using the form or multipart-form payload types - it should use a single dictionary of key value pairs, not a list.



  • Added configuration warning to pipes with chained DTL transforms where other than the first transform use hops with dependency tracking enabled.

  • Added configuration warning to pipes that have hops with dependency tracking enabled, but do not use the “dataset” source.


  • Pipe runs triggered by pumps using cron expressions or scheduled intervals larger than one hour (3600 seconds) are persisted, so if the service is down when they should have run they will be run as soon as the service starts up again.


  • Deletion tracking done by background rescan is now done in batches and is interleaved with incremental synchronization. This means that deletion tracking will no longer stop-the-world.


  • We’ve updated our Subscription Fee, payment terms. Note that prices are now listed in U.S. Dollar. For existing customers, the changes will take effect from December 1st 2022.


  • Added the if_source_empty property to sources and the global default global_defaults.if_source_empty to the service metadata. This property determines the behaviour of pipes when their source returns no entities. Previously synced entities will normally be deleted from the pipe dataset when it finishes running, even if no entities are received. Setting this new property to fail will prevent this by making the pipe fail before it can perform a new sync.


  • Added escape_null_bytes property to the CSV source. If set to true, any null characters in the input CSV file will be escaped before parsing the data. This prevents the source pipe from failing due to attempted reads of lines containing null characters. The property is set to false by default due to performance reasons.


  • Added verify_ssl property to the LDAP system. If use_ssl is set to true then this property controls if the certificate used for the connection should be verified. It is true by default.


  • Added custom_ca_pem_chain property to the LDAP system. This property can hold a custom chain of certificates (in PEM format) that will be used to validate the SSL connection if use_ssl is set to true.


  • Added a new property global_defaults.always_index_ids to the service metadata. Enabling this will make all dataset sinks maintain an index on the $ids property, without the need for specifying the indexes property on each individual sink.


  • Added a “discard-inferred-schema” pump operation to the service API. This operation will discard any inferred schema entries for the pipe and writes a special “pump-discard-inferred-schema” entity to the pipe execution log for reference. This operation can only be done on non-running pipes.

  • Behavioural change: all pipes that have infer_pipe_entity_types set to true, and have a source with continuation support, will now discard their inferred schemas upon being reset.


  • Added a new property include_completeness to pipes. This property specifies a list of dataset ids that should contribute to the completeness timestamp value of the sink dataset. By default, this property is equal to the pipe’s input datasets, minus any datasets listed in exclude_completeness.

  • Pipes that fail to infer their schemas due to limitations on the resulting schema size will no longer fail. The inferred schema will instead be truncated and marked as such and the pipe will not attempt to do schema inference the next time it runs.


  • The VPN feature now supports high availability for connections. This means that you can set up redundant connections that can be failed over to. This is a multi subscription only feature.


  • It is now possible to automatically migrate a single subscription to a multi subscription. A multi subscription is a scale-out architecture that lets you run pipes and microservices on horizontally scalable hardware. Contact support if you would like to migrate your single subscription.




  • Transforms now have a side_effects property that specifies if the transform has side-effects or not. A side-effect means that it causes changes to the system that it talks to. If the transform alters the system in any way, then this property must be set to true to prevent inadvertent changes to the system by features like pipe preview.

  • Corrected a bug that for multi subscriptions would cause the default maximum concurrent pipes for a SQL system to be 20 instead of the 10 and essentially unlimited for non-SQL systems. Note that the default number of concurrent pipe for all systems is controlled by the worker_threads property available on all systems and is 10 by default.


  • Documented the resource quotas for microservices.

  • The default value of max_merged in the merge source is now set as a global default in the service metadata, and the default value has been increased to 50000 entities. This is a very high number of entities for the merge source to handle at once, and merge sources will start using up large amounts of RAM before hitting this default limit. It is recommended to reduce this limit to prevent such high memory usage and then reconfigure any pipes that attempt to merge too many entities.


  • Added a new property max_merged with a default value of 100 entities to the merge source. Pipes that attempt to merge more entities than max_merged will fail with this change. The motivation for adding this new property is that merge sources generally should not be merging that many entities in the first place, and the merge process can end up using excessive amounts of RAM.



  • Added support for Metrics.

  • New data option Metrics and monitoring in test and production pricing replaces the pr. pipe monitoring option. Pipe monitoring will still be available for existing subscription that is already using this.


  • New developer subscription size Developer Pro is now available.

  • Added support for Durable Data.



  • The Databrowser tool will reach end-of-life December 31st 2023. It is superseded by the Integrated Search feature. We will notify the current subscribers soon.

  • Added a property ignore_non_existent_datasets to the merge, merge_datasets and union_datasets sources. By default, listing one or or more datasets in initial_datasets that do not exist does not prevent the source from being populated. Setting ignore_non_existent_datasets to false will make the pipe fail if any non-existent datasets are listed in datasets.

  • Fixed a bug where the initial_datasets property was initialized as an empty list in the merge, merge_datasets and union_datasets sources if initial_datasets was not explicitly set. The property now defaults correctly to the same list of datasets listed in datasets. This is a breaking change.

  • The dataset and diff_datasets now warn the user if any input datasets do not exist. This also applies to the merge, merge_datasets and union_datasets sources if ignore_non_existent_datasets is false.



  • Pipes with manual or off pump mode can now be disabled and enabled.


  • As part of the Clustered architecture everywhere initiative we are now in the process of migrating in-cloud subscriptions over to it. You can find the provisioning status of a subscription in Subscription > Basics in the Management Studio. There you can see which provisioner version it is running (version 1 is old single machine service, version 2 is the new clustered service, if self-hosted it will say self-hosted).

Changes to the user experience:

  • Pipes are now being provisioned asynchronous, this is reflected in the UI.

  • Config upload when using sesam-py can report taking a little longer.


  • The hash128 DTL function now takes an optional seed argument.



  • Added a new property remove_pk_char_trailing_spaces to the SQL sink. This property is enabled by default and fixes an issue with updating table rows when the primary key is of type nchar or char.



  • Added domain name validation to docker.hosts property on microservice systems. This ensures that domain names are on a format that is accepted by Kubernetes.


  • Added a new resolved_entity property to write-error entities in the execution log. It contains the entity that was used to resolve the write-error if it is different from the original entity that caused the write-error. This property is also set for any tracked dead letters that has been resolved (on the deleted dead letter). Fixed a bug where the resolved property was not set (to true) if a write-error entity was successfully retried.


  • Renamed the prefilters property in the hops DTL function to subsets. prefilters had some known issues and is now deprecated. Note that you may have to reset the pipe if you change from prefilters to subsets. All new pipes should use subsets to get the documented behaviour.


  • Added custom_ca_pem_chain property to the URL system and REST system. This property can hold a custom chain of certificates (in PEM format) that will be used to validate the SSL connection if verify_ssl is set to true.


  • Our security team has investigated the impact of CVE-2021-44228. The following components have been analysed as they could potentially be affected:

    1. Integrated search. This component uses Elasticsearch under the hood. The version of Elasticsearch that we use is not affected according to this Elastic Security announcement.

    2. Legacy Databrowser. This component uses Apache Solr under the hood. The version of Solr that we use is not affected according to this Solr Security announcement.

    3. GDPR Portal. This component uses Apache Solr under the hood. The version of Solr that we use is not affected according to this Solr Security announcement.

    4. Unofficial OCI images that are hosted as microservices. These components can be affected, and our users need to make sure they only run code that they trust.


  • Changed the default value of the global_defaults.use_signalling_internally property of the service metadata section to true. This property was previously false by default


  • Integrated search is now available for subscriptions running on the Clustered Architecture.

  • VPN is now configurable for subscriptions running on the Clustered Architecture.


  • The IP address of our log shipping receiver endpoint has changed from to If you run a self-hosted service and have blocked outgoing traffic then you need to update the firewall accordingly. See the Self-hosted service document.


  • Added a encode_error_strategy property to the CSV endpoint - it tells the sink how to deal with encoding errors when the encoding is different from “utf-8”, the default is to use a “backslashed unicode” replacement but other strategies can be chosen


  • Added a “discard-retries” pump operation to the service API - it is available in the UI as a “Discard retry queue” menu item on pipes. This operation will make the next pipe run ignore any previous write error retries by writing a special “pump-discard-retries” entity to the pipes execution log. This operation can only be done on non-running pipes.



  • Added a byte_order_mark property to the CSV endpoint and XML endpoint sinks. If true these sinks will emit a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) to the start of the file/stream. It’s false by default and should only be used in conjunction with a UTF-8 encoding.


  • The http_endpoint source will now get its completeness value from the “X-Dataset-Completeness” http request header, if it is present. If the header is not present, the current time will be used instead, just as before.


  • Added a new Quick Reference document for faster and easier navigation to configuration types and DTL transforms and functions.


  • Added the (experimental) ni-collapse and ni-expand DTL functions. Note that these are only meant to work with the global_defaults.symmetric_namespace_collapse service metadata option set to true (false by default while this functionality is in experimental state)


  • The “Datasets” page has been removed.

  • A dataset is managed by a pipe and considered a part the pipe. All the details about a dataset have therefore been moved to the pipe page of the pipe that writes to the dataset (under Output). Internal datasets can be found under “Datahub” > “Internal datasets”.


  • Added an explanation about why you should not hop to the sink dataset.


  • Clarified when the is_first and is_last flags can be expected to be set in the Sesam JSON Push Protocol - these flags are only set when running a full sync (i.e. not when in incremental mode). They are intended to signal to the client the start and end of a full sync run across multiple requests.

  • Fixed a bug in the JSON (push) sink that set the is_first flag also on incremental syncs.


  • Added a header property to the JSON source. This property can be used to specify additional header values to be set when doing HTTP GET requests. This was added to make the JSON source symmetrical with the JSON (push) sink. Note that both the JSON source and sink adhere to the Sesam specific JSON Pull Protocol. Consider using the more general REST source or sink if you’re interacting with a non-Sesam JSON capable REST api.


  • Added a json_content_types property to the REST system. This property can be used to specify additional JSON content types to accept besides the default “application/json”. The content must still be valid JSON. Note that the REST source will no longer attempt to parse all responses as JSON but check the content-type against the list of recognised content-types first. If the response content-type is not in this list, it will be treated as “unknown” and an empty entity containing a property with the response body (and optionally the content type) will be emitted for further processing with DTL. Support for response_include_content_type and response_property has been added to the REST source for this scenario.


  • Added a initial_since_value property to the source configuration. This property holds the “since” value to use by the source when the pipe offset is unset (or has been reset).

  • The since_default property of the SPARQL source has been deprecated, please use initial_since_value instead.




  • Legal documents has been reformatted and are now available under Legal.


  • If pipes with sources with the chronological strategy fail, they now save their pipe offset based on last successful batch in the pipe run. This improvement makes it more likely that a failing pipe is able to make progress.



  • The payload_property of the REST source and REST transform now supports traversing a path in the response body using a “dotted” notation.


  • Added a configuration hint for controlling the deployment of microservices. The new eager_load_microservices option will allow Sesam to hold off starting up microservices which are not connected to any pipes. This option is true by default, in line with previous behaviour. The option can be overriden per system using the eager_load flag in the Microservice system configuration. Individual microservices which need to be run eagerly should have the option eager_load set to true explicitly in anticipation of the default changing.


  • Added ‘dialect’ keyword to Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse server system to indicate whether it’s a normal SQL server or a Synapse server. Note that it uses the ‘HEAP’ table type when used to create new tables.


  • The driver for the LDAP system has been changed to version 2.4 of LDAP3 . The new driver gives the same results as the old driver in our tests, but it is still possible that there may be some subtle changes in how the new driver interacts with the LDAP server. The newer version implements some security fixes.


  • The mail message sink will now automatically add a Date header to the email message.

  • Added support for specifying a list of HTTP response status codes to ignore in the REST transform.


  • Added support for paginated responses to the REST transform as well.

  • The REST transform response-property, replace-entity and response-include-content-type properties has been deprecated. Use response_property, replace_entity and response_include_content_type instead.


  • Added experimental REST source. This source is intended to be able to replace some of the connectors that currently require Microservices.


  • Notification status changes on Status page is now fully automated.



  • The driver for the MySQL database type has been changed to the latest stable version of PyMySQL (the old driver was from 2015, and we wanted to use a more recent driver). The new driver gives the same results as the old driver in our tests, but it is still possible that there may be some subtle changes in how the new driver interacts with the MySQL database (for instance in how data is converted between Sesam’s internal format and the fields in a database table).


  • A new property equality_sets has been added to the merge source. This property can be used instead of (or in combination with) the equality property, and should make it a bit easier to configure the equality-rules correctly.


  • Open Sesam will shut down March 31st, 2021. It unfortunately did not gain as much traction among our users as we had hoped and we are focusing more on the core product. We will notify the users by email soon.


  • The default batch_size value of pipes that use the REST sink has been changed to 1 (used to be 100).


  • We are optimizing the maximum number of concurrent running pipes in small subscriptions. The rationale is to get better overall performance. Note that this also affects self-hosted subscriptions.

  • Documented the compaction settings in the global defaults section of the service metadata. Note that should be careful in changing these values as this can lead to loss of data and/or influence dependency tracking functionality.


  • We automatically upgrade a Small subscription type to a Medium subscription type if the data storage usage exceeds 40 Gb. We also upgrade a Medium subscription type to Large subscription type if the data storage usage exceeds 350 Gb. Note that this also affects self-hosted subscriptions.


  • Added experimental support for running a pipe rescan in the background while simultaneously doing normal incremental pipe-runs.


  • Added experimental skip_identity_columns property to the SQL sink.



  • New circuit breaker feature for uploading configuration available in service metadata. Prevents the node from updating it’s configuration if the new configuration would result in the deletion of more than 10 and more than 10% of existing components (for example when using the /config API). The circuit breaker can be activated by setting the service metadata property global_defaults.use_config_circuit_breaker to true.


  • The blacklist and whitelist properties of the SQL sink has been deprecated. You can use DTL to filter properties to achieve the same functionality.

  • Note that these deprecated properties cannot be used to avoid inserting values into or overwriting values of existing table columns (partial table updates) or to support identity columns.

  • For the special case of identity columns (columns with automatically assigned values) some RDBMS systems such as MS SQL Server allow you to define a “writable view” that can be used as a workaround for this. We have added some information to the documentation on this usecase for MS SQL Server.


  • In the pump configuration section the use_dead_letter_dataset property has been deprecated and the dead_letter_dataset property has been un-deprecated. Please update your configuration. The dead_letters_dataset should contain a per-pipe unique user dataset id. The motivation for this reversal is that we wish to migrate away from using system datasets for any “dead letters” in a pipe.


  • Added note about compaction not being performed beyond depencency tracking offsets.



  • Fixed a bug in datetime-shift and other functions that does implicit or explicit timezone-conversion where we didn’t have the correct historic daylight saving information. This affects the following ranges: 1895-1901, 1916, 1940-1945, 1959-1965 and any year after 2038.


  • Changed default compaction type to sink. To go back to the previous default, you can set sink compaction to false on individual pipes or set the global default property default_compaction_type to background in the service metadata.


  • Added an optional description property to pipes and systems - it can be either a string or a list of strings.

  • Added an optional comment property to pipes, systems, sources, sinks, pumps and transforms - - it can be either a string or a list of strings.


  • The dataset sink property set_initial_offset now accepts the onload enum value. This enum value sets the sink dataset’s initial offset when the pipe is loaded / configured.


  • The encrypt-pki, encrypt-pgp and their corresponding decrypt DTL functions now support using ‘$SECRET()’ syntax in their key and password parameters


  • Documented the instance property of the MS SQL system. Please note the the potential consequences for firewall rules when using this property.


  • Experimental pipe entity type inferencing now enabled by default. Change default value by setting service metadata property global_defaults.infer_pipe_entity_types to false.



  • Added the dependency_tracking property to service metadata. It can be used to specify various dependency tracking related properties.


  • Added the max_entity_bytes_size property to the dataset sink.

  • Added the global_defaults.max_entity_bytes_size property to service metadata.


  • Added the global_defaults.default_compaction_type property to service metadata.


  • The union_datasets source now as a prefix_ids property that can be set to false to not add the dataset id as the prefix on entity ids.


  • The transform function rename will now rename properties with a null value. The old behaviour ignored such properties, but that was considered to be a bug.


  • Added support for create_table_if_missing SQL sink property for the Oracle, Oracle TNS and MySQL systems. Previously only the MS SQL and PostgreSQL systems supported this option.


  • Added support for optional string cast value(s) as argument to the uuid DTL function


  • The default value of the read_timeout property has been changed from 7200 seconds to 1800 seconds for the URL system and the Microservice system.


  • Added the fail! DTL transform function.


  • The replace DTL function now takes a dict argument that lets one specify more than one string replacement.


  • Updated the documentation for the supports_signalling property on dataset sources and the global_defaults.use_signalling_internally property of the service metadata section.

  • The The JSON push sink and REST sink no longer includes header values or entity data in the traceback details of the execution log on failures.

  • The execution log and dead letter entities no longer includes copies of the source or sink configuration properties of the pipe.

  • The properties of the event entities in the execution log are now truncated at 10 mb to avoid excessive event entity sizes. Note that this cut-off value might be decreased further in the future.

  • If the pump fails due to exceeding retry limits, the entity in question is no longer included in the traceback properties. Instead it’s put in a separate exception_entity property. Note that this property is not included in the monitoring data, so you cannot devise notification rules that refer to it.



  • The RDF source will no longer add the <rdflibtoplevelelement> root wrapper element to literals with datatype This is a breaking change.


  • Added the hex DTL function.

  • Updated the integer DTL function to parse hexadecimal values.

  • The dataset sink now has a property called prevent_multiple_versions that makes the pipe fail if an entity already exists in the sink dataset. This is useful if one wants to prevent multiple versions of the same entity to be written.

  • The dataset sink now has a property called suppress_filtered. The default value is false unless it is a full sync and the source is of type dataset and include_previous_versions is false. The purpose of this property is to make it possible to opt-in or opt-out of a specific optimization in the pipe. The optimization is to suppress entities that are filtered out in a transform early so that they are not passed to the sink. This optimization should only be used when the pipe produces exactly one version per _id in the output. The optimization is useful when the pipe filters out a lot of entities.



  • Index version 2 is now the default version for dataset indexes. This index implementation (version 2) supports bidirectional traversal and that can be used to expose incremental feeds for one or more subsets of a dataset.



  • DTL property path strings can now be quoted. In practice this means that you can have periods in path elements if you quote them. Example: "'john.doe''s'.bar" is now equivalent to ["path", ["list", "foo", "john.doe's", "bar"], , "_S."]. A quoted path element must begin and end with a single quote. Single quotes can be escaped with ''.

  • Extended the JSON Pull Protocol document with information about response headers and an example using dataset subsets.


  • We’ve added support for a feature called completeness. When a pipe completes a successful run the sink dataset will inherit the smallest completeness timestamp value of the source datasets and the related datasets. Inbound pipes will use the current time as the completeness timestamp value. This mechanism has been introduced so that a pipe can hold off processing source entities that are more recent than the source dataset’s completeness timestamp value. The propagation of these timestamp values is done automatically. Individual datasets can be excluded from completeness timestamp calculation via the exclude_completeness property on the pipe. One can enable the completeness filtering feature on a pipe by setting the completeness property on the dataset source to true.


  • Pipes now have a property called reprocessing_policy that can be set to cause automatic resets when external factors indicate that the pipe should be reset.


  • The dataset sink now has a property called set_initial_offset that specifies how the sink should set the initial offset on the sink dataset (a.k.a. the populated flag).


  • Added experimental support for automatic scheduling of internal (dataset to dataset) pipes and JSON pipes that read from external Sesam datasets via the REST API. See the supports_signalling property of these sources and the global use_signalling_internally and use_signalling_externally options in service metadata section. Please note the limitations and usage notes.


  • The embedded source now has configurable continuation properties, i.e. supports_since, is_chronological and is_since_comparable.


  • The “dtl” transform will now fail if the target entity’s _id property is either missing or is not a string. It will also do so if the arguments to “create” and “create-child” is not a dict or is missing the _id property or the _id property is of a non-string type. This is a change in default behaviour, but it is possible to opt-out of this new behaviour by setting the id_required property to false. It would make it easier to discover logic errors.


  • The track_children property on the dataset sink is now inferred to be true if any of the pipe’s transforms use the create-child DTL function. It is possible to override this by setting the property’s value to false.


  • The lookup DTL function has been deprecated and replaced with the lookup-entity function. Note that the dataset referenced in its first argument must be populated before the parent pipe will run.


  • The valid characters in pipe and system ids have been restricted to be valid DNS name components. In practice this means that the first character must be a letter or a digit and the rest must be letters, digits and hyphens. The maximum length is 62. Invalid ids will trigger a validation warning.


  • A source that has supports_since=true, is_since_comparable=false and is_chronological=True will now use the chronological continuation strategy. Earlier it used no continutation strategy.


  • Added the discard DTL transform which can be used to discard the target entity. It is similar to filter, but will drop the target entity on the floor and not send it to the sink for deletion.

  • Added the case and case-eq DTL transforms. These are the sisters of the identically named DTL functions.


  • Made the URL system throw an error if it received an invalid ‘Content-Length’ response header value. The URL system used to ignore such errors; the new ignore_invalid_content_length_response_header property can be set to get the old behaviour.



  • Added a new coerce_to_decimal property to the Oracle and Oracle TNS systems. If set to true, it will force the use of the decimal type for all “numeric” types (i.e. numbers with precision and scale information). Currently what type the column data ends up as is not clearly defined by the oracle backend driver so in some cases it may yield a float value instead of a decimal value. This property should always be set to true if your flows care if numeric values are floats or decimals. The default value is false.


  • We’ve changed the default strategy for pipe execution logging. By default, we now will never log any runs which resulted in no processed/changed entities. You can opt-in to the previous behaviour by editing the log_events_noop_runs, log_events_noop_runs_changes_only and notification_granularity pump properties.


  • There is now a new index implementation (version 2) that supports bidirectional traversal and that can be used to expose incremental feeds for one or more subsets of a dataset. Index version 1 is currently the default. Nodes must be started with a special command line option in order to change the default value. Version 2 will be made the default at some point once we have enough experience with it.

  • The dataset and json sources now support the subset property. This property is used to specify a subset of the source dataset.

  • The hops and apply-hops DTL functions now support the prefilters property. This property is used to specify a subset of the dataset that it is hopped to.

  • The GET /api/datasets/{dataset_id}/indexes API endpoint now includes the indexes’ version number.

  • The DELETE /datasets/{dataset_id}/indexes/{index_int_id} API endpoint has been added. It can be used to delete a dataset index.


  • Compaction is now incremental, so it will continue from where it got to the last time.

  • Compaction will be performed by the dataset sink if compaction.sink is set to true in the pipe configuration. This is only available for pipes using the dataset sink. If sink compaction is enabled no scheduled compaction will be done on the dataset as this is no longer neccessary. Index compaction will still require scheduled compaction, but this does not require a lock on the dataset. Note that sink compaction is currently experimental.

  • Automatic compaction will now kick if there are 10% or 10000 new dataset offsets since the last compaction. The 10000 cap is fixed for now.


  • The dataset sink will now mark the sink dataset as populated when all input datasets are populated and all entities have been read from them. Earlier it marked the sink dataset as populated after the first completed run. This was typically not what you wanted as it caused the sink datasets to be prematurely populated, which then caused unnecessary dependency tracking.

  • Added the initial_datasets property to the merge, merge_datasets, union_datasets, and diff_datasets sources. This property should only be used if some of the input datasets will never be populated. The property should then list the datasets that have to be populated before the sink datasets should be populated.


  • Casting decimal numbers containing a “scientific notation” shorthand (i.e. “1E-3”, “10E14” etc) to a string using the DTL string function will now expand the exponent to its full representation (i.e. “1E2” -> “100”, “1E-3” -> “0.001”). This is a change in behaviour.


  • Added support for specifying SOCKS5 proxies for the URL, REST and Twilio systems.


  • ["matches", "x*", ["list"]] now returns false instead of true. Note that this is a breaking change, but the old behaviour was considered a bug as it is both non-intuitive and most likely not what you want.


  • Added the sslmode property to the PostgreSQL system. Its default value (prefer) reflects the PostgreSQL client library default, hence you should only set this property if you need other behaviour than the default.



  • Added compaction.growth_threshold property to the pipe configuration. This lets you specify when dataset compaction kicks in.

  • The compaction.keep_versions property can now also be set to 0 and 1. The default value is 2; which is needed for dependency tracking to be fully able to find reprocessable entities. Setting it to a lower value means that dependency tracking is best effort only.


  • Added a new recreate_table_on_first_run boolean flag to the sql sink - it controls if Sesam should recreate the table from schema_definiton when the pipe is reset or runs for the first time. Note that this requires the create_table_if_missing property to also be set to true to take effect.

  • Altered the way the PK is created on schema definition generation. If the sink type is sql and create_table_if_missing is set to true, the default primary key is the _id property of the entities. Previously it would always look for a property with the same contents as _id (which is still the default for non-sql sink pipes).


  • Added a fallback_to_single_entities_on_batch_fail boolean flag to the pump configuration. The default reflects the current behaviour (true). It can be usefuly to set to false if the cost of processing a single entity at a time is high and there is a lot of entities in a batch (for example in a typical MS SQL sink in initial bulk upload mode).


  • Datasets that are not populated will no longer be compacted.


  • Receiver and publisher pipes can now be disabled.


  • Added support in the split DTL function to split string into characters using the empty separator.


  • Added a translation GUI for the GDPR platform. This GUI makes is much easier to customize the various texts used by the GDPR portal.


  • Added the the case-eq and case DTL functions. These can be used to express more complex conditional expressions. Earlier one had to nest if functions to achieve the same thing.


  • Changed the base64-encode and base64-decode DTL functions to only accept bytes and string input respectively.

  • Added support for bytes input to the string casting function. The encoding used is utf-8.

  • Added a bytes casting function that casts strings to (utf-8 encoded) bytes representation.


  • Added a RDF transform, similar to the XML transform. It will render entities to a NTriples string and embed it in the transformed entity.

  • Added the base64-encode and base64-decode DTL functions.


  • Added support for having secrets that apply only to one specific System.


  • Changed default behaviour of the CSV source: if dialect is set, this will override the default value of auto_dialect. Previously you would have to both turn off auto_dialect and set dialect. Note that if auto_dialect is false and no dialect has been set, the excel dialect is used as default.

  • The is_chronological property on the SQL source is now dynamic as it is true if the updated_column and table properties are set.

  • Added the is_chronological_full property to the SQL source . If explicity set to false then a full run will not consider the source to be chronological even though it is chronological in incremental runs. The default value is the value of the is_chronological, but can be set to false.


  • The old dead_letter_dataset pump configuration option (string) has been deprecated and replaced by use_dead_letter_dataset, which is a boolean flag (false by default). If set to true, the id of the dead letter dataset is automatically generated and linked to the parent pipe id (system:dead-letter:pipe-id). Note that entities written to this new dataset will no longer have the pipe id as part of their _id property. This new dataset will inherit the ACLs from its parent pipe (like pump execution datasets). If the pipe is removed, the automatically created dataset is also removed. The old dead_letter_dataset property will continue to work as before but will be removed at some future date.


  • Added the checkpoint_interval property to the pipe. The default has been changed from 1 to 100, which means that the pipe offset is now saved after every 100 batches instead of after every batch. The default is effectively every 10000 entities, but since it is dependent on batch_size the default value is 100 (i.e. 10000/batch_size). Note that the pipe offset is always saved at the end of every sync if it changed.

  • Pipes that perform deletion tracking will now have their pipe offset and deletion tracking state saved every 15 minutes or so. If a pipe is interrupted it will now be able to continue doing deletion tracking from where it last saved it’s state.


  • Added the ljust and rjust DTL functions. They can be used to left-justify and right-justify strings.


  • A partial rescan can now be scheduled on a pump by specifying the two properties partial_rescan_count and partial_rescan_delta.


  • Added the hash128 DTL function. It generates 128 bit integer hashes from bytes and strings.


  • The sink dataset and the dead-letter dataset will now be asserted when the pipe is loaded. Receiver datasets, i.e. sink datasets that are used in combination with the http_endpoint source, will be automatically populated at the same time. Note that it is possible to opt-out of this behaviour by setting auto_populate_dataset to false on the http_endpoint source. Dead-letter datasets are automatically populated, and it is not possible to opt-out.

    Note that this is a change in behaviour, but in most situations it is the right thing to do. If the initial push to the receiver is a full sync, then it might be good to set auto_populate_dataset to false. The reason why this is useful for full syncs is because pipes doing hops against the dataset will then wait until the sync is complete and the dataset is populated.


  • Processing of namespaced identifiers have gotten a decent performance boost.

  • Regression: The make-ni DTL function will now return a sorted list of NIs. Earlier the sorting was done by sorting the keys of the source entity, which is a much expensive thing to do.


  • Added support for circuit breakers, a safety mechanism that one can enable on the dataset sink. The circuit breaker will trip if the number of entities written to a dataset in a pipe run exceeds a certain configurable limit.


  • Added the round DTL function. It rounds to the nearest digit using the “round half to even” rule.


  • Added oauth2 (BackendServerClient profile, aka “client credentials”) option to the URL system


  • Changed the default value of the node configuration setting “pipe_cleanup_after_deletion” to “true”. This means the node will remove any pipe-related data when a pipe is deleted (execution logs, acls, pipe offsets etc)


  • Added the map-values function. It maps over the values of dictionaries and returns a list of mapped values.


  • The combine DTL function now allows a single argument. This is useful when you want to turn an expression into a list of values. It is extra useful when you don’t quite know if the value is a list or not. Example: ["combine", "_S.x"]


  • Added a content_disposition configuration property to be able to specify the type in the Content-Dispositon HTTP response header to the HTTP endpoint sinks.

  • Added the possibility to specify the filename of the HTTP endpoint sinks as the last element of the URL (overrides any filename set in the configuration of the sink).


  • Added the url-unquote function that URL unquotes any URL quoted characters in its input. See the related url-quote function.


  • The RDF source and SDShare source now supports the sort_lists property to automatically sort resulting properties containing lists (i.e. RDF statements having the same predicate). It is true by default.



  • Added encrypt-pgp and decrypt-pgp DTL functions that can encrypt strings to OpenPGP messages using a PGP public key and decrypt these messages back to strings using a PGP private key and its associated password.


  • Added encrypt-pki and decrypt-pki DTL functions that can asymmetrically encrypt strings to bytes and decrypt bytes to strings using a PKI public/private key-pair in DEM format (PKCSv8). The encryption is performed using RSA 2048 bits with sha-1 hashes and OAEP/MGF1 padding.




  • Added the intersects DTL function. This boolean function returns true if there is an overlap between the values in the two arguments.

  • The DTL compiler will now issue a warning if you try to perform two or more join expressions between the same two dataset aliases. It is there to notify you of possible cardinality issues and to tell you about the tuples function, which may be used to avoid cardinality issues.

    When there are two or more join expressions between the same two dataset aliases only the first one is treated as a join expression; the rest of them are equality comparisions. One can use the tuples function to combine them into one big join expression at the cost of composite indexes being used.


    Note that the eq function serves a dual purpose. It can both be used for join expressions and it can be used for equality comparisions. These two are different in that a join uses intersection (similar to the intersects function) and the equality comparison is an exact match. Use the intersects function if you want to check for intersection/overlap instead of an exact match.


  • The JSON push sink now supports customizable HTTP headers via a headers property.



  • If a pipe is running and the pipe-config is modified, the pipe will no longer be stopped. Instead a “An old version of the pipe is still running” warning will be displayed, and it is up to the user if they want to stop the running pipe or not.



  • Added a track_dead_letters option to the pump configuration. If set to true, it will delete “dead” entities from the dead letter dataset if a later version of it is successfully written to the sink. Note that using this option incurs a performance cost so use with care.


  • It is now possible to specify track-dependencies on all the HOPS_SPEC in a specific hops DTL function. This change was made so that one can disable tracking for any of the HOP_SPECs, not just the last one.


  • The json-parse and json-transit-parse DTL functions now accept an optional default value expression. The default value expression is used when the input value is not valid JSON.


  • The datetime-parse and datetime-format DTL functions now accept an optional timezone argument. This makes it possible to parse datetime strings and format datetime values in specific timezones.


  • When a pipe is reset then the pipe’s retry queue is now also reset.

  • Bug fix: It is now possible to interrupt pumps that are performing retries.

  • Indexing of datasets changed so that each dataset is indexed for a maximum of five minutes in each iteration. This prevents some datasets from being blocked from indexing when there are other large datasets being indexed.




  • Added functionality for preventing all pipes from automatically running (useful in some debugging scenarios). See the Low level debugging page for details.


  • Added a is_sorted property to the RDF source to indicate that the input data is sorted on subject, enabling the source to avoid loading the entire file into memory. Note that it only works for nt (NTriples) format files without blank nodes.


  • Added a write_retry_delay property to pipe pumps. This is used in conjunction with max_consecutive_write_errors when the system the pipe is writing to is known to be sporadically (non-transiently) unavailable. See the Pump section for details.




  • Added the indexes property to the dataset sink. If set to "$ids" then an index will be maintained for the $ids property. This index will then be used by the dataset browser to look up entities both by _id and $ids.

  • The default value of the max_depth property in hops has been changed from null to 10. This means that the default is to stop the recursion at level 10.


  • The JSON push protocol has been simplified to make it easier to write receivers. It will now always send the entities as an array, even if it contains just a single object. The JSON push sink has been updated to reflect this. If you need single-object JSON POST/PUT operations, you should use the REST sink instead.

  • Systems now support environment variables in their config like pipes do


  • Added the tuples DTL function that can be used to create composite join keys.


  • The equality property on the merge source is now optional.


  • Changed the default value of the “schedule_interval” pump configuration property. Before, the default value was 30 seconds for all pipes. The new default value for pipes with a dataset sink and a dataset sink is now 30 seconds +/- 1.5 seconds. For all other pipes, the default is 900 seconds +/- 45 seconds. (The +/- part helps stagger the start-time of the pipes, so that we don’t get lots of pipes starting at the same instant.)

  • Added a warning in the GUI for non-internal pipes that don’t have a “schedule_interval” or a “cron_expression” attribute set.


  • Extended all systems to accept a new property worker_threads that limits the number of concurrent pipes that can run against a particular system. The default value is 10. For inbound pipes the source system is used and for outbound pipes the sink system is used. For internal pipes, the the pool has 50 worker threads (i.e. for dataset to dataset pipes or receiver/publisher endpoints).


  • Extended the URL system and REST system to accept default custom request headers using the headers property. Also fixed the REST system schema to reflect authentication options and the jwt_token property.


  • Extended the in DTL function to allow a single value in the second argument.



  • Added the _R variable, which can be used to refer to the root context in a DTL transform.


  • The base_url property of the URL system and REST system has been deprecated. It has been superseded by the the url_pattern property.



  • Added the is-changed DTL function that can be used compare data from the current and the previous version of the source entity.




  • Added a substring DTL function that returns a substring of another string given a start and end index.


  • Added include_replaced property to the dataset source. This property is used to filter out entities that are replaced by the merge source.


  • Added url_pattern property to URL system. This property gives you more control over how absolute URLs are produced. It can be used instead of the base_url property.


  • Added a jwt authentication scheme and jwt_token property to the URL system


  • Added text_body_template and text_body_template_property properties to the Email message sink. Use these to explicitly construct a plain-text version of your messages if sending multi-part messages.


  • For security reasons, the Mail and SMS sinks no longer support file-based templates. Note that this is a non-backwards compatible change. You can use environment variables and upload your existing template files using the environment variable API or the corresponding Management Studio form.


  • Datasets are now scheduled for automatic compaction once every 24 hours. The default is to keep the last 2 versions up until the current time. It is possible to customize the automatic compaction. See documentation on compaction for more information.


  • The SQL source no longer includes columns with null values by default. You can include them by setting the preserve_null_values property of the SQL source to true. Note that this is a change of the previous default behaviour.

  • The CSV source no longer includes empty string values by default. You can include these by setting the CSV source property preserve_empty_strings to true. Note that this is a change in the default behaviour.


  • The dict function now takes zero, one or an even number of arguments. If zero arguments given then an empty dict is returned. If an even number of arguments then a new dict with each pair of arguments as key and value. The latter is convenient for easy construction of dicts.

  • The transform functions add and default now take an expression in their first argument. This means that the properties can be dynamic and that there can be multiple. rename now takes dynamic arguments in the first and second positions.


  • Documented the pool_recycle option on SQL systems and changed its default from -1 (no recycling) to 1800 (30 minutes).


  • Added the merge source. This is a data source that is able to infer the sameness of entities across multiple datasets.



  • Added a uuid DTL function. It takes no parameters and returns a UUID object (type 4).


  • Added a disable_set_last_seen property to the Pipe properties. If set to true, it will not be possible to set or reset the last seen bookmark on the pipe using the API (i.e. protecting it from accidental changes by principals with write permission on the pipe).


  • Added a read_retry_delay property to pipe pumps. This is used in conjunction with max_read_retries when the source is known to be sporadically (non-transiently) unavailable. See the Pump section for details.


  • The documentation on cron expressions now makes it clear that they are evaluated in the UTC timezone.


  • The concat DTL function now takes a variable number of arguments. This avoids constructing unnecessary lists.


  • The url-quote DTL function now takes an optional SAFE_CHARS argument. This is especially useful when you don’t want to quote the / character.


  • The section on Continuation Support has been extended. Each source now has a Continuation support table that shows the source’s support for continuations.


  • Added the json and json-transit DTL functions.

  • The group-by DTL function has been changed to always return string keys. The string keys are the JSON transit encoded (same type of string as the json-transit function produces). The reason is that the entity data model (and JSON) only supports string keys. group-by has also gotten an optional STRING_FUNCTION argument which lets you specify a custom function to create the string keys.

  • The sorted, sorted-descending, min, max DTL functions have been updated to support mixed type ordering.





  • Added the range DTL function.


  • Added the Embedded source. This is a data source that lets you embed data inside the configuration of the source. This is convenient when you have a small and static dataset.


  • Added the XML transform and XML endpoint sink. These can be used to generate XML documents inline in entities or published to external consumers, respectively.


  • Changed the CSV endpoint sink to not output deleted entities by default. Added a new skip-deleted-entities config parameter that can be set to false if one want deleted entities to appear in the CSV output.


  • Added DTL Reference Guide section that explains how joins work.


  • Reworked DTL math functions to reflect that float is an allowed type in entities. If the function parameters are of mixed types, the result will be coerced to the type that is the most precise. I.e. float+decimal=decimal, int*float=float, int/div=decimal and so on. Not that this is a change in behaviour as entities that previously only had decimal as types after using DTL math functions if the input was of type float, now may end up with values that are floats instead. Use the dtl decimal cast-function to coerce the result to decimal if this is important to the application.

  • Added is-float and float DTL functions. Changed is-decimal function so it no longer returns true if the argument is a float. You will now have to add both a is-float and a is-decimal in an or clause to test for both types.


  • Added Elasticsearch support, which includes a system and a sink.

  • The Solr sink now supports batching.

  • Added the commit_at_end property to the Solr sink.

  • Moved the commit_within property from the Solr system to the Solr sink. The reason is that the commit rate is really specific to how and where it is used. This change is backward compatible, as the default value is taken from the system. It is recommended to update the configuration files accordingly.


  • Fixed the documentation for the merge DTL transform; it mistakingly stated that the merge transformation would not overwrite existing attributes in the target entity.

  • Updated the /api/config GET” endpoint to format the json in a more human-readable way.



  • Added the datetime-shift DTL function.

  • Added support for timezones to the datetime-parse DTL function.

  • Added missing sink- and source- prototypes in the “Edit pipe” gui in Management Studio.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding a system in Management Studio.
