




The HOPS_SPEC is a dictionary that takes the following keys:
  1. datasets: A list of strings with the dataset id whitespace separated by the dataset alias. The database aliases can be referenced in the where clause. The list must contain at least one element.

  2. where: An expression or a list of expressions. If it is a list, then the expressions in the list will be wrapped with the and function. The expressions are then evaluated to perform the joins.

  3. recurse: OPTIONAL. A boolean. The default is false. If true, then HOPS_SPEC should be traversed recursively. This makes it possible for a hops expression to be recursive. The output of one evaluation is fed as the input to the next evaluation until there are no more output. At that point the execution is moved on to the next HOPS_SPEC in the chain.

  4. exclude_root: OPTIONAL. A boolean. The default is false. If true, then the original input to the recursion will not be included in the final output. This property is only meaningful on a HOP_SPEC where recurse is true.

  5. max_depth: OPTIONAL. An integer. The default is 10. The recursion will stop after the given number of recursion levels. A value of 2 means that the recursion will happen at most two times. Set it to null if you want the recursion will run until its output is exhausted. This property is only meaningful on a HOP_SPEC where recurse is true.

  6. return: OPTIONAL. A string, or an expression, or not specified. If it is a string, then it should refer to a comma separated list of dataset aliases. In that case all the values of those aliases will be returned. If it is an expression then the expression is used as a template for the hops result. In the template you can refer to the dataset aliases and the interpolated result is returned. If not specified, then it will return the last dataset alias in the list. This is the default. It can only be specified on the last HOP_SPEC argument. return cannot be used with recurse.

  7. track-dependencies: OPTIONAL. A boolean. The default is true. Can be used to disable dependency tracking for this particular HOP_SPEC.

  8. trace: OPTIONAL. A string. The default is not set. If set, it is used to enable gathering of statistics for the execution of the hops function during runtime. Currently this tracks the maximum cardinality of the join statements in the hops. This information will be available in the pipe execution log in the pump-completed and pump-failed entities. The value of the trace property should be unique to the particular hops function as it will be used to key the statistics gathered about its execution. The trace property should only be specified on the last HOP_SPEC argument.

  9. subsets: OPTIONAL. A dict where the keys must be dataset aliases specified in the datasets property. The values must be valid subset expressions, i.e. an eq DTL expression where the left hand side is the index expression and the right hand side is the value that represents the subset. Example: ["eq", "_S.category", 72]

    (subsets replaces the deprecated prefilters property)

If multiple HOP_SPEC arguments are given, then the output of a HOP_SPEC is passed on as the input to the next. This is a convenient way of chaining hops together. It is mostly useful when at least one of the HOP_SPEC arguments use recursion.
The join criteria are described by using the eq function. All dataset aliases defined in the datasets key have to be joined and all must by navigable from the source entity. If that is not the case, then an error will be raised at compile time.
The hops function produces a table inside, one column per dataset alias. This table is the projected down into a list of values by the return clause that is then returned by the function.
Note that the result of the hops function is deterministic based on the _id property of the entities processed within each dataset. I.e.. re-running a DTL transform with a hops function using the exact same entities in the source and in the datasets in the datasets property will yield the same order of the result. You should apply a sorted* function to the result to get a particular order (for example on a particular property, or if you use the return keyword).


Hop-ing to the sink dataset is discouraged as there are some gotchas. The pipe’s batch_size property must be set to 1 in order to guarantee that the hops is able to find the entities being written by the sink. Entities inside the current unflushed batch is not visible to the hops. set_initial_offset" must be set to "onload" on the dataset sink so that the pipe don’t have to wait for the sink dataset to be populated (something that will never happen as the pipe won’t be allowed to run).

["hops", {
  "datasets": ["Address a", "Country c"],
  "return": "a",
  "where": [
       ["eq", "a.type", "SHIPPING"],
       ["eq", "a.type", "BILLING"]],
    ["eq", "_S.address", "a._id"],
    ["eq", "c._id", "a.country"]
Join the source entity’s address property with the Address’s _id property, and then the Address’s country property with Country’s _id property. Filter the addresses by type, so that only shipping and billing addresses are included in the result. Return the addresses found.
["hops", {
  "datasets": ["Person p"],
  "where": [
    ["eq", "_S.children", "p._id"],
    ["eq", "p.gender", "female"]],
  "recurse": true
  "datasets": ["Hobby h"],
  "where": ["eq", "_S.hobbies", "h._id"],
  "return": "h.name"
Recursively retrieve the source entity’s daughters (and granddaughters and so on) and then return the names of all their hobbies. Please note that the result list is not automatically sorted on the name property - if order matters, a sorted function must be applied before the result is used.

["hops", {
  "datasets": ["orders o", "product p"],
  "where": [
    ["eq", "_S._id", "o.customer_id"]
    ["eq", "o.lines.product_id", "p.product_id"]
  "subsets": {
    "o": ["eq", "_S.webshop_id", "myshop"]
Find the products that the customer has bought from a specific web shop. This example uses the subsets property to reference a subset of the orders dataset, i.e. the orders placed in the myshop web shop.





Returns an entity in the given dataset.
["lookup-entity", "code-table", "foo"]

Looks up the entity with the _id property value of foo in the code-table dataset.
Note that the dataset referenced has to be populated before the DTL transform can run.
If the entity doesn’t exist in the dataset, null is returned.


This function does not support dependency tracking, so if the entity that is looked up changes then you may want to reset the pipe. This will not happen automatically.