Built-in Variables

There are six built-in variables in the DTL. These are _S, _T, _P, _R, _B and _.

  • _S refers to the source entity

  • _T refers to the target entity

  • _P appears inside the apply function and refers to the parent context

  • _R is used to refer to the root context containing both _S and _T

  • _B is used by the HTTP endpoint sinks to hold variables defined by URL parameters

  • _ refers to the current value in functional expressions


_S and _T appear in pairs inside each applied transform





Refers to the source entity. This is the entity on which the DTL transform operate. Note that with the apply function you can apply nested transform rules, where each of the values given to apply is made a source entity for that nested transform.

["gt", "_S.age", 42]

The source entity’s age field must have a value greater than 42.


Refers to the target entity. This is the entity that is the primary target entity of transforming the source entity. Note that the create transform can be used to emit entities in addition to just the target entity.

["gt", ["length", "_T.length"], 100]

The target entity’s description field must have a length of more than 100 characters.


A dict that contains the source entity and the target entity of the parent context. If the parent context also has a parent context, then that will also be available. The dict always contains the _S and _T variables, while the _P property is optional. _P does not contain the _R variable. Note that the _P appears only inside the apply function.

["gt", "_P._S.age", 18]

The parent source entity’s age field must be greater than 18.

["lt", ["length", "_P._P._T.description"], 100]

The grandparent target entity’s description field must have a length of less than 100 characters.


A dict that contains the source entity and the target entity of the root context. The root context is the outermost context, which in practice is the context of the default rule. The dict contains the _S and _T variables.

["lt", "_R._S.age", 18]

The root source entity’s age field must be less than 18.

["lt", ["length", "_R._T.description"], 50]

The root target entity’s description field must have a length of less than 50 characters.


A dict that contains properties bound to URL parameters. It is useful for parameterizing the transform on an endpoint sink.

A URL parameter foo given to the endpoint API on the form
will be reflected in _B as a key foo with the value “bar”.


Refers to the current entity. This variable is only available inside a few functions that take a function expression as an argument. Examples of such functions are filter, sorted min, max, and coalesce.

["filter", ["gt", "_.amount", 100], "_S.orders"]]

Filters out the order entities that have an amount of less than 100, i.e. the filter function returns only the orders that have an amount of greater than 100. As you can see the _ variable refers to the individual order entities, one at a time.