Duplicate hops block

When performing inserts, especially when doing it while implementing the namespace split pattern, its important to ensure that en entity can only go through the insert pattern once.

The idea behind the namespace split pattern is to always have the correct _id value in entities coming into the -share pipe. However, once you shift the _id the old entity (which is now _deleted: true and $replaced": true) will still propagate the -share pipe.

As a safety measure to ensure an entity is only inserted once we add a hops in the share pipe to the pipe’s sink dataset. If the entity exists in the sink dataset as a successful insert we know we should not attempt to insert it again.


  "transform": {
    "type": "dtl",
    "rules": {
      "default": [
            ["filter",["is-not-null", "_."],
              ["hops", {
                "datasets": ["<sink-dataset> st"],
                  "where": [
                    ["eq", "_S.$ids",
                      ["ni", "st._id"]
                  "return": "st.<previous-insert-response>",
                  "track-dependencies": false
          ["add", "$discard", "already-inserted"]