GDPR platform developer documentation


For automation of the GDPR platform, there are several APIs/integration points available:

These APIs are datasets with a defined data-structure that can be integrated with existing systems and associated input and output published endpoints for JSON input and/or consumption. The input and output endpoints conform to the JSON Push Protocol.

For unstructured data such as documents and emails the GDPR platform offers a content extraction and indexing service coupled with a semi-automatic workflow prior to making this data available to the data subject:

Prior to using the APIs for automation purposes, the GDPR platform must be configured for automation. This is similar to the process described in the GDPR data types and purposes configuration document, but involves a couple of additional columns in the data type sheet of the setup spreadsheet. The purposes sheet is unchanged.

You can download a template with these additional columns here

The additional columns are Identifiers, TypeID and Exclude. In addition, the Level field takes on special meaning when automating the subject data flow.

The additional data type properties




This is a unique type identifier that should match the dataset id where the data will reside in the GDPR platform.


The “level” of the data - it can be either “Personal” or “Related”, i.e. directly about the data subject or indirectly (for example data about the customer such as address or orders for the customer, respectively)


One or more (comma separated), optionally namespaced, property names that will be used to uniquely identify a subject for this data type (see GDPR data type and GDPR subject) when the level property is Personal. If the level property is Related it will be matched to the closest “parent” record with the top-most in such a chain being matched with subject record (a “Personal” level data type”. See below for a more detailed description.


One or more (comma separated), optionally namespaced, property names that will be used to filter out any matching properties from the data typed by this data type.

The Level property in automated flows

When the Level property is set to Personal it means that the data type represents information directly pertaining to a data subject for example a person, customer, employee record. In this case, the identifiers property represents one or more properties in this record that uniquely identifies the subject (for example customer id, ssn, mobile phone number and/or email address).

If the Level property is set to Related, the contents of Identifiers should be a set of properties that will be matched to either another Related data type or to a Personal data type. There can be multiple data types of Related level that can be matched with each other in a “chain” where the topmost record should be matched to a subject id property.

Example with customers, orders and order line records

The best way to illustrate the use of these properties is with an example. In this simplified imagined usecase, we have set up pipes to get data about customers, their orders and the order lines of these orders into datasets named customers orders and order-lines respectively. The customer records contain two properties customer_id and email_address that can be used to identify a customer (in addition to metadata about the customer). In addition to properties about the order, the orders records contain a reference to the customer in the customer_id property, and a unique order_id property. Finally, order-lines records reference the order they belong to in a order_id property (in addition to information about the particular item in the order).

To automate this flow, we first need to configure the GDPR platform for these data types by creating three new rows in the “data type” sheet; one row for “customer”, “order” and “order-line”. We also need to add at least one “Purpose” in the “purpose sheet” to explain why we have this data and link the data types to their purpose.

The “customer” row should have the level Personal and the Identifiers column should contain email_address (or customer_id). We set the “TypeID” column to match the dataset the data resides (here customers).

The “order” row will then have the type Related and the Identifiers column should contain the value customer_id. We set the “TypeID” column to match the dataset the data resides (orders).

Finally, the “order-line” row also have level set to “Related” and the Identifiers column set to order_id. We set its “TypeID” column to match the dataset the data resides (order-lines).

The last step needed is to register the customers, orders and order-lines dataset in the pipe for the custom-subject-data. The dataset from this pipe is merged with the internal dataset(s) for processing the GDPR data and ultimately link it with a GDPR access request from a matching data subject.

GDPR subject

The GDPR subject dataset (dataset name gdpr-subject) contains entities about data subjects with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-subject:subject-id": "unique-ID-for-data-subject",
  "gdpr-subject:identifier": ["a-list", "of-identifier-values", "to-match-this-data-subject", "to-other-instances"]









A unique ID for the data subject




A list of values to match this data subject to other instances of the same data subject.


Input API

The input API for the gdpr-subject dataset is the gdpr-subject-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr-subject dataset is the gdpr-subject-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

Internal API

The internal API must be a dataset with the id custom-subject. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. Any entities from this dataset will be merged with any data posted to the input API endpoint before being stored in the gdpr-subject dataset. The entites in this dataset are available externally through the output API pipe.

GDPR purpose

The GDPR purpose dataset (dataset name gdpr-purpose) is used to record the purposes for which your organisation is collecting data. It contains entities with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-purpose:purpose-id": "unique-ID-for-the-purpose",
  "gdpr-purpose:version": "version-code",
  "gdpr-purpose:lang": "lang-code",
  "gdpr-purpose:title": "A descriptive title to the purpose definition",
  "gdpr-purpose:purpose-type-id": "The type of purpose (consent, contract, legal-obligation, vital-interest, public-interest, official-authority, legitimate-interest)",
  "gdpr-purpose:detail": "Additional legal detail about the purpose",
  "gdpr-purpose:valid-to": "2018-05-25T00:00:00.001Z",
  "gdpr-purpose:description": "Description of the purpose",
  "gdpr-purpose:data-source": "How did you obtain the data connected to this processing activity",
  "gdpr-purpose:data-target": "Who are you sending the data to",
  "gdpr-purpose:business-process": "What business process is the processing activity connected to",
  "gdpr-purpose:policy-id": "unique-ID-of-a-policy-defined-in-the-GDPR-platform",
  "gdpr-purpose:policy-link": ""









A unique ID for the purpose




A code specifying the version of this purpose




A ISO code specifying the language of the purpose (for example “en” or “en-GB”). It is a concatenation of the two-letter ISO 639 language code with the two letter ISO 3166 country code, using a hyphen ("-") character as a separator. The ISO 3166 part is optional.




A descriptive title to the purpose definition




The type of purpose. Valid values are one of:

  • "consent"

  • "contract"

  • "legal-obligation"

  • "vital-interest"

  • "public-interest"

  • "official-authority"

  • "legitimate-interest"




A datetime string in ISO 8601 format that specifies how long this purpose definition is valid



Description of the purpose



Additional legal details about the purpose



How did you obtain the data connected to this processing activity



Who are you sending the data to



What business process is the processing activity connected to (optional)



A unique ID of a policy defined in the GDPR platform (optional)



A URL to a policy document (optional)

Input API

The input API for the gdpr-purpose dataset is the gdpr-purpose-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr-purpose dataset is the gdpr-purpose-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

Internal API

The internal API must be a dataset with the id custom-purpose. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. Any entities from this dataset will be merged with any data posted to the input API endpoint before being stored in the gdpr-purpose dataset. The entites in this dataset are available externally through the output API pipe.

GDPR purpose type

The GDPR purpose type dataset (dataset name gdpr-purpose-type) is used to record the types of purposes for which your organisation is collecting data. It contains entities with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-purpose-type:purpose-type-id": "unique-ID-for-the-purpose-type",
  "gdpr-purpose-type:lang": "lang-code",
  "gdpr-purpose-type:title": "A descriptive title to the purpose-type definition",
  "gdpr-purpose-type:description": "Description of the purpose-type",
  "gdpr-purpose-type:legal-link": ""









A unique ID for the purpose-type. Valid values are one of:

  • "consent"

  • "contract"

  • "legal-obligation"

  • "vital-interest"

  • "public-interest"

  • "official-authority"

  • "legitimate-interest"




A ISO code specifying the language of the purpose type (for example “en” or “en-GB”). It is a concatenation of the two-letter ISO 639 language code with the two letter ISO 3166 country code, using a hyphen ("-") character as a separator. The ISO 3166 part is optional.




Description of the purpose-type (optional)



A URL to a legal document (optional)

Input API

The input API for the gdpr-purpose-type dataset is the gdpr-purpose-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr-purpose-type dataset is the gdpr-purpose-type-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

Internal API

The internal API must be a dataset with the id custom-purpose-type. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. Any entities from this dataset will be merged with any data posted to the input API endpoint before being stored in the gdpr-purpose-type dataset. If the custom-purpose-type and gdpr-purpose-type-in dataset contain the same entity (i.e. with the same purpose-type-id), the newest version will be chosen.

The entites in this dataset are available externally through the output API pipe.

GDPR data type

The GDPR data type dataset (dataset name gdpr-data-type) is used to record the types of data your organisation is collecting. It contains entities with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-data-type:data-type-id": "unique-ID-for-the-data-type",
  "gdpr-data-type:level": "identificator-for-privacy-level-of-the-data",
  "gdpr-data-type:description": "A default description of the data type",
  "gdpr-data-type:en-description": "A description of the data type, using language code ``en``",
  "gdpr-data-type:xx-description": "A description of the data type, using language code ``xx``",
  "gdpr-data-type:xx-YY-description": "A description of the data type, using language code ``xx-YY``",
  "gdpr-data-type:system-id": "ID-for-the-system-containg-the-data",
  "gdpr-data-type:purpose-id": ["A list of", "purposes", "applying to", "this data type"],
  "gdpr-data-type:contact": ""









A unique ID for the data-type




An identifier for the privacy level of the data. Valid values are one of:

  • "sensitive"

  • "personal"

  • "related"




A default description of the data type (no language qualification)




A description of the data type for the english language (optional)



A description of the data type for the language xx using the country variant YY. For example en-GB (optional).



A ID for the system containing the data (optional)



A list of purposes (purpose ids) pertaining to this data type (optional)



An email address for the responsible contact for this data type. It can be multiple contacts, expressed as a comma separated list of email addresses (with no whitespaces) (optional)

Input API

The input API for the gdpr-data-type dataset is the gdpr-data-type-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr-data-type dataset is the gdpr-data-type-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

Internal API

The internal API must be a dataset with the id custom-data-type. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. Any entities from this dataset will be merged with any data posted to the input API endpoint before being stored in the gdpr-data-type dataset. The entites in this dataset are available externally through the output API pipe.

GDPR policy

The GDPR policy dataset (dataset name gdpr-policy) is used to record the types of policies for your organisation. It contains entities with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-policy:policy-id": "unique-ID-for-the-policy",
  "gdpr-policy:version": "version-code",
  "gdpr-policy:lang": "iso-code",
  "gdpr-policy:title": "A descriptive title for the policy",
  "gdpr-policy:description": "Details about the policy",
  "gdpr-policy:link": "",
  "gdpr-policy:markup": "<HTML markup for the policy/>",
  "gdpr-policy:valid-from": "2018-05-25T00:00:00.001Z",
  "gdpr-policy:valid-to": "2018-05-25T00:00:00.001Z"









A unique ID for the policy




A code specifying the version of this policy




A ISO code specifying the language of the policy definition (for example “en” or “en-GB”). It is a concatenation of the two-letter ISO 639 language code with the two letter ISO 3166 country code, using a hyphen ("-") character as a separator. The ISO 3166 part is optional.




A descriptive title for the policy




A description of the policy




A URL to a policy document (optional)



HTML markup for the policy (optional)



A datetime string in ISO 8601 format that specifies what time this policy is valid from (optional)



A datetime string in ISO 8601 format that specifies how long this policy is valid (optional)

Input API

The input API for the gdpr-policy dataset is the gdpr-policy-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr-policy dataset is the gdpr-policy-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

Internal API

The internal API must be a dataset with the id custom-policy. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. Any entities from this dataset will be merged with any data posted to the input API endpoint before being stored in the gdpr-policy dataset. The entites in this dataset are available externally through the output API pipe.

GDPR custom translations

The text contents of SMS, email messages and some other static strings used in dynamic content generation in the GDPR plattform exists as data in the data hub.

These text can be customized using the Translation GUI.

The GUI is almost always the preferable way of editing the strings, but if you for some reason need to customize the strings programatically, you can do that by editing the configuration of the pipe called custom-translations. The pipe has an embedded source with entities containing translation information for a certain set of predefined keys. The structure of each of the entities in the embedded source is on the form:

    "_id": "translation-item-key",
    "translations": {
        "iso-code": {
            "property-id": "Translation text here",
            "other-property-id": "Other translation text here",
        "other-iso-code": {
            "property-id": "Other language translation text here",
            "other-property-id": "Other language translation text for other-property-id here"

The iso-code should be a ISO language code on the form en or en-us, and the actual property keys will wary from item to item.

Description of the translation item keys:





This entity represents the text used by the “Welcome” screen in the GDPR Data Access portal.


This entity represents the text used to send emails to accounts registered as being responsible for a particular GDPR data type in the setup excel sheet. It is sent whenever a new GDPR Access Request is received from the GDPR Data Access portal.


This entity represents the text used to send emails to accounts registered as being responsible for a particular GDPR data type in the setup excel sheet. It is sent whenever a new GDPR Delete Request is received from the GDPR Data Access portal.


This entity represents the text used to send emails to accounts registered as being responsible for a particular GDPR data type in the setup excel sheet. It is sent whenever a new GDPR Access Request for changing registered data is received from the GDPR Data Access portal.


This entity represents the text used to send emails to a GDPR data subject that has previously requested data via a GDPR Access Request. It is sent whenever someone responsible for a GDPR data type has filled out and uploaded collected data in the data upload excel spread sheet (previously generated by the GDPR access request) or if the data subject flow is fully automated it is sent when the access request is received. There is a default delay of 30 minutes on these messages.


This entity represents the text used to send SMSs to a GDPR data subject that has previously requested data via a GDPR Access Request. It is sent whenever someone responsible for a GDPR data type has filled out and uploaded collected data in the data upload excel spread sheet (previously generated by the GDPR access request) or if the data subject flow is fully automated it is sent when the access request is received. There is a default delay of 30 minutes on these messages.


This entity represents the title of GDPR access request objects in the GDPR data access portal.


This entity represents the title of GDPR change request objects in the GDPR data access portal.


This entity represents the title of consent change objects in the GDPR data access portal.

The full list of standard items is (english and norwegian translations are provided by default):

  "_id": "gdpr_welcome_text",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "rdf:title": "Welcome",
      "rdfs:comment": "The goal of GDPR is transparency of what personal data is kept and what is is used for. This means you have the right to see all data we keep about you, even the data that is not obviosly understandable to you. The purposes of why we keep data should be well described. Please contact us if you have any questions about your data. Use this mail adress:"
    "no": {
      "rdf:title": "Velkommen",
      "rdfs:comment": "Målet for GDPR er åpenhet rundt hvilke personlige data som er lagret og hva det brukes til. Dette innebærer at du har rett til å se alle data vi har lagret om deg, selv de data som ikke er åpenbart forståelig for deg. Formålet for hvorfor vi har disse dataene skal være tydelig beskrevet. Ta kontakt med oss om du har noen spørsål om dine data. Bruk denne epost addressen:"
}, {
  "_id": "access_request_type_title",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "rdf:title": "GDPR access request"
    "no": {
      "rdf:title": "GDPR innsynsforespørsel"
}, {
  "_id": "change_request_type_title",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "rdf:title": "GDPR change request"
    "no": {
      "rdf:title": "GDPR endringsforespørsel"
}, {
  "_id": "consent_change_request_type_title",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "rdf:title": "Consent changed"
    "no": {
      "rdf:title": "Endret samtykke"
}, {
  "_id": "access_request_mail",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "body_template": "A GDPR data access request from {{ contactinfo }} for data that you have been set as responsible for has been submitted to the GDPR portal. <br><br>You can download the Excel file to fill out at <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/access-requests?email={{ contact }}&id={{ requestId }}\"/>here</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data access request submitted by {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
    "no": {
      "body_template": "En GDPR data tilgangsforespørsel fra {{ contactinfo }} som du er oppgitt som ansvarlig for har blitt registrert i GDPR portalen.<br><br>Du kan laste ned en Excel mal som du kan fylle ut <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/access-requests?email={{ contact }}&id={{ requestId }}\"/>her</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data tilgangsforespørsel mottatt fra {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
}, {
  "_id": "access_request_delete_mail",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "body_template": "A GDPR data access request from {{ contactinfo }} for deletion of data that you have been set as responsible for has been submitted to the GDPR portal. <br><br>You can download the Excel file to fill out at <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/access-requests?email={{ contact }}&id={{ requestId }}\"/>here</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data access data deletion request submitted by {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
    "no": {
      "body_template": "En GDPR data sletting forespørsel fra {{ contactinfo }} som du er oppgitt som ansvarlig for har blitt registrert i GDPR portalen.<br><br>Du kan laste ned en Excel mal som du kan fylle ut <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/access-requests?email={{ contact }}&id={{ requestId }}\"/>her</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data sletting forespørsel mottatt fra {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
}, {
  "_id": "change_request_mail",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "body_template": "A GDPR data change request from {{ contactinfo }} for data that you have been set as responsible for has been submitted to the GDPR portal. <br><br>You can download a Excel file with a list of change requests <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/change-requests?email={{ recipients }}\"/>here</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR change request submitted by {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
    "no": {
      "body_template": "En GDPR data endringsforespørsel fra {{ contactinfo }} for data som du er oppgitt som ansvarlig for har blitt registrert i GDPR portalen.<br><br>Du kan laste ned en oversikt i Excel format <a href=\"$ENV(sesam-portal-gui-url)subscription/$ENV(subscription)/gdpr/change-requests?email={{ recipients }}\"/>her</a>.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR endringsforespørsel mottatt fra {{ contactinfo }}",
      "text_body_template": ""
}, {
  "_id": "subject_data_available_mail",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "body_template": "Your requested data is now available in the GDPR portal. <br><br>Please log in at <a href=\"$ENV(portal-url)\">GDPR portal</a> to see it.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data access request results available",
      "text_body_template": ""
    "no": {
      "body_template": "Data du har forespurt er tilgjengelig i GDPR portalen.<br><br>Logg inn i <a href=\"$ENV(portal-url)\">GDPR portalen</a> for å se dem.",
      "subject_template": "GDPR data tilgjengelig",
      "text_body_template": ""
}, {
  "_id": "subject_data_available_sms",
  "translations": {
    "en": {
      "body_template": "Your requested data is now available in the GDPR portal. Please log in at $ENV(portal-url) to see it."
    "no": {
      "body_template": "Data du har forespurt er tilgjengelig i GDPR portalen. Logg inn i $ENV(portal-url) for å se dem."

When customizing the content for a particular key you should always start with a copy from this official list. Place the copy into the embedded source’s entities array and either change the texts as needed or add a new language key to add text for a new language. Please do not change the macros embedded in the text strings (within {{ and }} blocks and the $ENV(..) variables).

After saving the custom-translations pipe, make sure you press “start” on the pipe to update the GDPR platform contents. Note that the changes will not affect already emitted notifications or objects - only new ones.

GDPR access request

The GDPR access request dataset contains entities about access requests with the following datastructure:


  "gdpr-access-request:access-request-id": "unique-ID-for-access-request",
  "gdpr-access-request:title": "A descriptive title for the access request",
  "gdpr-access-request:user-id": "unique-identifier-for-the-user-the-request-is-about",
  "gdpr-access-request:contactinfo": "email-or-phone-number-to-contact-user",
  "gdpr-access-request:contactinfo-type": "email|phone_number",
  "gdpr-access-request:delete-request": "true|false",
  "gdpr-access-request:lang": "iso-code",
  "gdpr-access-request:public-key": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- <key data> -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n\r\n",

Any additional properties not part of the defined set of input properties will be passed through to the outgoing API.









A unique ID for the access request




A string value to match this access request data subject to other access requests from the same data subject.




A string value containing the PGP Public Key (PK) for the user. It is used to encrypt user-data collected about the user before it is stored and further processed by the GDPR platform. The user can then download and decrypt his or her data using their corresponding Private Key.




A string value containing either an email address or a phone number for the user. It is used to send messages to the user about processing of their access request.


String (enum)

A string value containing either email or phone_number. It’s used to determine the method of contacting the user (optional)



String (boolean)

A string value containing either false or true. It’s used to determine if the access request is a delete request or not (optional)




A descriptive title for the access request



A ISO date (in UTC time zone) with the time the access request was registered in the GDPR DAP. Note that this property only exists in the outgoing API - if present in the incoming data, it will be overwritten.



A ISO code specifying the language of the access request (for example “en” or “en-GB”). It is a concatenation of the two-letter ISO 639 language code with the two letter ISO 3166 country code, using a hyphen ("-") character as a separator. The ISO 3166 part is optional. It is among other things used to determine the language used in generated messages sent to the user by the GDPR Data Access Portal (via email or SMS) (optional). If not set, the default value used is configured in the GDPR Data Access Portal.

Input API

The input API for the gdpr access request dataset is the gdpr-access-request-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

Output API

The output API for the gdpr access request dataset is the gdpr-access-request-out HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint implements the JSON Push Protocol (source).

GDPR access request subject data (experimental)

The GDPR access request subject data dataset contains subject data entities connected to an access request.

Input API

The input API for the gdpr access request dataset is the gdpr-access-request-subject-data-in HTTP endpoint pipe. Its URL is on the form:


The endpoint expects JSON data on the form outlined above and implements the JSON Push Protocol (receiver/sink).

It expects data on the following form:


  "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:access-request-id": "access-request-id",
  "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:data-type": "data-type-id",
  "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:reporter": "",
  "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entities": [{
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-id": "1",
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-title": "title for entity 1",
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-data": {
      "data-type-namespace:property1": "value1",
      "data-type-namespace:property2": "value2",
      "data-type-namespace:property3": "value3"
  }, {
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-id": "2",
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-title": "title for entity 2",
    "gdpr-access-request-subject-data:entity-data": {
      "data-type-namespace:property1": "value4",
      "data-type-namespace:property2": "value5",
      "data-type-namespace:property3": "value6"

Any additional properties not part of the defined set of input properties will be passed through for processing.

Note that the data posted to this endpoint will be encrypted using the subject’s Public Key as registered with the access request before being processed by the Sesam GDPR platform - there is therefore no corresponding output API since the data is only decryptable by the user using their private key on the originating device connected to the Data Access Portal.

Also note that this receiver endpoint API is experimental and may not be available in all installations at this point.









A unique ID for the access request, it must correspond to an existing access request.




A string value that needs to correspond to an existing GDPR data type id




A string value identifying who processed the request (typically an email address)




A list of entities for the given data type for the subject, it should have two sub-properties:




A unique id for the data entry




An optional (unique) title for the data entry - if not present, one will be generated based on a combination of the data-type-id and the entity-id



An object with keys representing properties and values representing the corresponding value


GDPR unstructured data support

The API described thus far is suited for structured/tabular data such as data from SQL servers, CSV files and so on. In practice, an organization will typically also have a lot of subject data in form of unstructured content such as emails, PDFs and word documents. This data will often contain relevant information pertaining to a GDPR access request. Searching for relevant documents in email servers, archiving systems, file shares or other unstructured data repositories can be time consuming and prone to errors of omission. The Sesam GDPR platform supports automating this process.

However, even if we automate the extraction, indexing and search process the last step before making the data (documents) available to the data subject in the data access portal will need human intervention. The reason for this is due to the nature of unstructured data; the automated system might misidentify documents (“false positives”) or the document contents may contain private information about other data subjects - i.e. not just information about the data subject in question.

Thus all search matches for a data subject’s GDPR access request must be manually vetted first. As a result of this vetting proxess, the contents delivered to the user may be withheld completely or partly and/or the textual content replaced by a reduced or redacted version.

Overview of the solution

The solution consists of several parts:

  • Document sources (microservices)

  • Internal dataset API

  • Content extractor service

  • Document index

  • Document search service

  • Manual vetting of search results

  • Content encryption service

Document sources

The input to the system is in the form of one or more document sources. Document sources are microservices which deliver information (metadata) about a particular repository of unstructured data (files), for example a file system document source or an email document source. It also has the responsibility of providing a HTTP API for delivering the file itself.

The document source does this by delivering a stream of JSON documents on a particular format. If the output from the document source is not already in the required form, the pipe reading from this source has the responsibility to transform the input to match the following form:


  "gdpr-data-type:data-type-id": "source-data-type",
  "gdpr-document:document_id": "source-prefix:unique-id-for-document",
  "gdpr-document:extract-content": "~rhttp://address-to-source-microservice:port/where_to_download?file=the_file_binary",
  "gdpr-document:filesize": 123456,
  "gdpr-document:metadata": {"source-specific": "metadata", "properties":"here" },
  "gdpr-document:mime-type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
  "gdpr-document:original-url": "~rhttp://original-url:port/to_where_to_download?file=the_file_binary"









The data-type ID for the document source. Note that this must match a properly registered GDPR data type in the GDPR platform by filling out and uploading the GDPR data types and purposes configuration spreadsheet (or using the GDPR data type API defined earlier in this document).




A unique document ID for the document source - it should be prefixed with the ID of the system used




A URL to the document source microservice that produced the data. It should return the binary document data. Note that it must NOT require any authentication or authorization. If any is needed, it must proxy this to the backend system by itself. It should run in a local network context so it is reachable only by the GDPR platform.




An optional dictionary object with metadata properties for the document, it can contain any valid JSON data



The size in bytes of the document file.




The filename of the document file (OPTIONAL). Note that if the filename is not provided the GDPR data access portal will attempt to generate one based on gdpr-document:document_id when the file is downloaded by the user.



The mime type of the document.




A URL to the original location for the document. It should return the binary document data. Note that this URL should challenge for any authentication/authorization needed. The URL must be resolvable for any human operator (within the correct network environment) that has the task to vet the document search result for a GDPR access request.


See for an example of such a service.

Internal API

The internal API of the unstructured data framework is a dataset with the id custom-documents. This dataset is required to contain entities on the form outlined above. The associated custom-documents pipe is a merge pipe with the complete list of document source datasets that should be used by the indexing service.

Content extractor service

The contents of the custom-documents dataset is fed to the content extractor service. This service will download the file pointed to by the gdpr-document:extract-content URL and attempt to extract all text information it can from the file.

Document index

The extracted textual information is indexed together with the properties outline above (except gdpr-document:metadata) and put into a search engine/index for indexing. The original file is not stored in this process.

Document search service

Whenever a new GDPR access request is created in the GDPR platform, a query is performed against the indexed documents using the configured subject data properties (email, phone-number, customer id’s and so on). The result of this query, if any, is joined with the original data in custom-document and stored in the GDPR platform for the data subject associated with the access request.

It is important to note that there is no automatic re-querying of previous document searches when new documents are added to the index. The query is a point-in-time query and as such reflects the state of the document index at that point in time. To update the search result, a new GDPR access request must be submitted by the data subject.

Manual vetting of search results

No data is relayed to the GDPR data access portal before a human has vetted this search result. This is done by downloading the data access request excel template.

The spreadsheet will contain one data sheet per document source data type with one row per matching search result. By downloading and inspecting the files linked to in the spreasheet and editing these rows the human operator vets the search result. To remove a document the row should be removed. If the file itself should not be delivered to the data subject, the link in gdpr-document:extract-content should be removed, and any redacted or partial text content should be entered into the “text” column for that row. In the same way, metadata can also be edited (or removed) as needed.

When the vetting process is finished and all data sheets for all data types have been filled out, the spreadsheet should be uploaded to the GDPR portal, as described in the GDPR data access request template section.

Content encryption service

Finally, after the vetted search result have been processed by the GDPR portal, the metadata about the document will be encrypted using the public key of the data subject and then transmitted to the GDPR data access portal.

Additionally, if there is a gdpr-document:extract-content property for the document, the file itself will be downloaded and encrypted before being transmitted to the GDPR data access portal. This “attachment” can then be decrypted and downloaded as a document/file by the data subject on the client side.