REST system

The REST system represents a REST service (i.e. a web server) serving HTTP requests from a base url using the REST vocabulary of GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, OPTIONS and HEAD.

It is used by the REST sink.

It supports the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It provides session handling, connection pooling and authentication services to sources and sinks which need to communicate with a HTTP server.

The REST system is an extension of the URL system, so all configuration properties of the URL system apply. We’ll only cover the REST system specific properties in this section.


    "_id": "id-of-system",
    "name": "Name of system",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "url_pattern": "http://host:port/path/%s",
    "verify_ssl": false,
    "custom_ca_pem_chain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIGYTCCB[...]\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "username": null,
    "password": null,
    "authentication": "basic",
    "jwt_token": null,
    "connect_timeout": 60,
    "read_timeout": 1800,
    "rate_limiting_retries": 3,
    "rate_limiting_delay": 60,
    "json_content_types": ["application/jsonish"]
    "headers": {
        "MY_HEADER": "some-value",
        "MY_OTHER_HEADER": "$ENV(key-for-other-value)",
        "MY_SECRET_HEADER": "$SECRET(secret-key)"
    "operations": {
        "get-operation": {
            "url" : "/a/service/that/supports/get/{{ _id }}",
            "method": "GET",
            "next_page_link": {{ }},
            "next_page_termination_strategy": ["next-page-link-empty", "same-next-page-request", "same-response"]
            "id_expression": {{ id }},
            "updated_expression": {{ updated }},
            "payload_property": "result",
            "response_property": "response",
            "since_property_name": "updated",
            "since_property_location": "query|header|manual"
        "delete-operation": {
            "url" : "/a/service/that/supports/delete/{{ _id }}",
            "method": "DELETE",
            "rate_limiting_retries": 3,
            "rate_limiting_delay": 60
        "put-operation": {
            "url" : "/some/service/that/supports/put",
            "method": "PUT",
            "headers": {
                "Content-type": "application/json"
            "payload-type": "json"
        "post-operation": {
            "url" : "/some/service/that/supports/post",
            "method": "POST",
            "payload-type": "form"
        "patch-operation": {
            "url" : "/some/service/that/supports/patch",
            "headers": {
                "Content-type": "application/xml"
            "method": "PATCH"







<any url system property>

The REST system extends the URL system, so any property from the URL system can be applied.



A optional set of header values to set as defaults in the requests made using the REST system. Both keys and values must evaluate to strings. Note that any “Authorization” header provided in this object is automatically overwritten when using the jwt_token property. Note that the keys in this mapping can be overridden in the operations section but cannot be discarded.



An object containing the registered operations allowed for the REST service. See the Operation properties section for details. Note that you can also define an operations property on the REST source, REST sink and REST transform as well. The latter will take precedence if present both places. You need to specify an operations section in at least one of them.



If set and the REST service returns a HTTP 429 error code, the request will be retried the number of times indicated. The time between retries can be adjusted by setting rate_limiting_delay.



If rate_limiting_retries is set on either the transform or on the REST system, and a retry is triggered the time to wait before retrying can be set by this value. If specified on both the toplevel system and in the operation definition, the operation value takes precedence.



Array of strings

This property can be used to supply the REST source and transform a list of response “content-type” strings that represent valid JSON content that should be parsed as such. The content-type “application/json” is always included.




See the custom authentication section

Operation properties

You can register as many named “operations” as you like with the system (even using the same type of “method”). A operation configuration looks like:








A URL or URL part. The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the entities properties available to the templating context. The expanded string is then substituted into the system’s url_pattern property in place of its %s placeholder marker to get the final URL to use for the operation. If used with the REST source, the variables since, entity (only for REST transforms and REST sinks), properties are available to this template. For the REST transforms and REST sources that support pagination some additional parameters are also available: previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers). Note that if you use the since variable (or a variable matching the since_property_name) in this template the since_property_location property will be ignored for the operation (it implies a "query" value).




A enumeration of "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" and "HEAD" (note: case sensitive) that represents the HTTP operation that the operation should execute on the url specified.




An optional object that contain key-value mappings for the HTTP request header. Entries in this dictionary will override any default headers property defined on the system (see previous section). The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the named variables url, params, entity (only for REST transforms and REST sinks), since (only for REST sources) and properties available to the template. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use the Jinja “is defined” syntax for these variables to set default values for the first page.



An optional object that contain key-value mappings for any HTTP parameters. The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the named variables url, entity (only for REST transforms and REST sinks), since (only for REST sources) and properties available to the template. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use the Jinja “is defined” syntax for these variables to set default values for the first page.



A enumeration of “text”, “json”, “json-transit”, “form” and “multipart-form”, that denotes how to treat the payload property of the entity (see the expected entity shape section of the REST sink for details). The various enumerations in combination with the payload type will set the appropriate Content-Type in the request headers, if it isn’t set explicitly in the headers property of the operation. If you specify "json", the payload contents will serialized to JSON (without transit encoding). If you specify "json-transit" you will get a transit-encoded JSON document. Both of the JSON variants will result in the Content-Type "application/json". If "form" or "multipart-form" is used, the contents will be used to construct a HTML FORM for the request. The Content-Type will be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form" respectively. In this case, the form variables and corresponding values should be given as a single dictionary of variable-name/variable-value pairs. The values in the form will be transit encoded before the request is issued. The "text" payload type will use "text/plain" if the payload is not of type bytes or “application/octet-stream”` if it is. All payload types other than string or bytes will be serialized to a JSON encoded string.




The properties mapping used as default values for the emitted entities. Note that if both are present the properties in the emitted entity takes precedence. Also note that this property can be defined in the REST source, REST transform and REST sink configuration as well. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined.


Object, string or array

The value to use as payload for the operation. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source, REST transform and REST sink configuration as well, but only the payload property on operations can refer to secrets. It can also be defined on the entities for the REST transform and REST sink. If this property is defined multiple places then the order of precedence is 1) entity, 2) sink/source/transform and 3) operation. This property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the named variables properties, url, request_params, entity (only for REST transforms and REST sinks), since (only for REST sources) and headers available to the template. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use the Jinja “is defined” syntax for these variables to set default values for the first page. For the REST source the variable since is also available.



The name of the property to put the response in when emitting entities. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source and REST transform configuration as well. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined.



The name of the property to put the response headers in when emitting entities. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source and REST transform configuration as well. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined.



The name of the property to put the response status code in when emitting entities. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source and REST transform configuration as well. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined.



The JSON response sub-property to use as the source of the emitted entities. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source and REST transform configuration as well. It will be ignored by the REST sink. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined.



The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with several named variables values available to the template: body, url, request_params, request_headers`, ``properties, since (only for REST sources), entity, source_entity (only for REST transforms) and response_headers. Additionally, previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) is available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use Jinja’s “is defined” tests for these variables to set default values for the first page. This property is used to extract the next URL to perform the operation on for pagination support. This property will be ignored by the REST sink. See next_page_termination_strategy for how to control the termination of a paginated response.

next_page_termination_strategy (experimental)

Enum<String> or array of Enum<String>

Enumeration of "empty-result", "same-next-page-link", "next-page-link-empty", "same-next-page-request", "same-response" and "not-full-page". The values indicate how to determine when a paginated response is finished. "empty-result" will terminate pagination when the result evaluates to missing or empty (or if the response body is empty). "same-next-page-link" terminates if the computed next_page_link value matches the previous one and "next-page-link-empty" will terminate if this template evaluates to null or an empty string. "same-next-page-request" terminates paging if the component detects that request to issue is identical to the previous request (i.e. the headers, url, parameters and payload to use are all the same). "same-response" terminates paging if the response is equal to the previous one. "not-full-page" terminates paging if the last response contained less entities than the specified page_size. Note that page_size must be set if this strategy is used. The default is "next-page-link-empty", "same-next-page-request" and "same-response". Note that these strategies can be combined in an array if the source system pagination sequence can terminate in multiple ways.

["next-page-link-empty", "same-next-page-request", "same-response"]



An integer indicating the number of entities contained in a paged response. This property must be set if the "not-full-page" next page termination strategy is used. Note that this property does not enable paging on its own, and is intended to be used in other properties that support the Jinja template ( syntax. When the page_size is set, the value will substitute any instances of {{ page_size }} in the operation configuration.



An expression in the form of single values or value ranges of HTTP status codes that will be allowed to be passed through by the transform. The values are either comma separated integer values or a range of values with a hyphen separator (i.e. a single - character). The start and end of a range are inclusive, i.e. 200-299 includes both 200 and 299. Whitespaces are not allowed in the expression. Note that 200-299 are the default status codes and any response status codes other than this will make the transform fail. See the complimentary ignored_status_codes if you want to omit non-ok responses instead of them making the transform fail or passing them through. Also note that the ranges in ignored_status_codes cannot overlap with allowed_status_codes.


This operation property can only be used with the REST transform.


If you allow other status codes than the default, make sure that these are dealt with downstream.




An expression in the form of single values or value ranges of HTTP status codes that will be ignored by the transform. HTTP responses with status codes matching this list will result in the response being omitted from the result. The values are either comma separated integer values or a range of values with a hyphen separator (i.e. a single - character). The start and end of a range are inclusive, i.e. 400-403 includes both 400 and 403. Whitespaces are not allowed in the expression. See the complimentary allowed_status_codes if you want to pass through any non-ok responses instead of skipping them. Also note that the ranges in ignored_status_codes cannot overlap with allowed_status_codes.


This operation property can only be used with the REST transform.


Any response with status codes listed here will be discarded with no traces to be found, making it next to impossible to audit the pipe.



The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the entities properties available to the templating context. It can be used to add _id properties to the emitted entities if missing from the source system. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source configuration and REST transform as well. It will be ignored by the REST sink. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined. The bound parameters available to this template are body, url, request_params, properties, since (only for REST sources), entity, source_entity (only for REST transforms) and headers. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use Jinja’s “is defined” tests for these variables to set default values for the first page.



The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with the entities properties available to the templating context. It can be used to add _updated properties to the emitted entities if missing from the source system (for continuation support). For REST sources, this is only relevant if since_support as been set to true in the source. See the since_property_name and since_property_location configuration properties as well. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source and REST transform configuration as well. It will be ignored by the REST sink. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined. The template supports the same named parameters as the id_expression. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use Jinja’s “is defined” tests for these variables to set default values for the first page.



The property supports the Jinja template ( syntax with various bound parameters available to the templating context. It can be used to detect error conditions in responses from systems that doesn’t properly use HTTP status codes to reflect failed operations. If the expression evaluates to a non-empty string, the source or transform will throw an exception and the pipe will fail. The rendered result is included in the error message. Note that this property is only relevant for the REST source and REST transform. It will be ignored by the REST sink. It is only evaluated when payload_property is set and the response content-type is recognized as JSON. For the REST transforms the replace_entity property must be false (which is the default). The bound parameters available to this template are body, url, request_params, properties, since (only for REST sources), entity, source_entity (these two only for REST transforms) and headers. If the operation supports paging then previous_body, previous_request_headers, previous_params and previous_headers (response headers) are available for all page requests except the first. In addition page (integer, starting at 0) and is_first_page (a boolean flag) are available for all requests in paged operations. Tip: use Jinja’s “is defined” tests for these variables to set default values for the first page.



The name of the property to relay continuation information. This is only relevant if since_support as been set to true in the source. See since_property_location and updated_expression as well. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source configuration as well. It will be ignored by the REST transform and REST sink. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined. Note that if you use the since variable in the url template property the since_property_location and since_property_name configuration properties will be ignored for the operation. Also note that if since_property_location is set to "manual" this property will be ignored.




A enumeration of "query", "header" and "manual”. This property is used to indicate where in the request to relay continuation information. This is only relevant if since_support as been set to true. If you set it to “manual” the REST source will not attempt to provide any continuation parameters automatically. See since_property_name and updated_expression as well. Note that this property can be defined in the REST source configuration as well. It will be ignored by the REST transform and REST sink. The configuration in pipes will take precedence if both are defined. Also note that if you use the since variable (or a variable matching the since_property_name) in the url template, this property will be ignored for the operation (it implies a "query" value).




If set and the REST service returns a HTTP 429 error code, the request will be retried the number of times indicated. The time between retries can be adjusted by setting rate_limiting_delay.



If rate_limiting_retries is set on either the transform or on the REST system, and a retry is triggered the time to wait before retrying can be set by this value. If specified on both the toplevel system and in the operation definition, the operation value takes precedence.


Custom authentication

The custom_auth section can be used for authentication towards systems that use some form of token authentication. This requires more configuration than oauth2 authentication, but it is a lot more flexible. The general idea is to create an operation in the operations section that points to an endpoint used for fetching an access token, and the custom_auth section describes how to parse the response from that operation so that the token can be used in other operations. Systems that use some type of refresh token are also supported.

The fetched access token is available in the Jinja environment and can be used with {{ access_token }}. If a refresh token is used, it can be used with {{ refresh_token }}. There are several examples here of using custom_auth towards various systems. The custom_auth section uses the following sub-properties:








This must point to an operation in the operations section that is configured to fetch an access token.




This must be set to the name of the property inside the expected response from get_token_operation that contains the access token, e.g. access_token.




If the token is expected to contain a timestamp for when the access token expires, this should be set to the name of the property that contains that timestamp. This needs to be a Jinja expression, e.g. {{ expirationDate }} if the name of the property is expirationDate. If expires_in_expression is also set, the expires_at_expression will take priority if it evaluates to a valid timestamp.

Yes, if expires_in_expression is not set



If the token is expected to contain the amount of time until the token expires, this should be set to the name of the property that contains that value. The evaluated value must be in seconds. If the provided value is not in seconds, you can use Jinja expressions to do the conversion (e.g. if a token contains a property expiresIn that provides the token expiry in hours, you can use {{ expiresIn * 3600 }}). If expires_at_expression is also set, the expires_at_expression will take priority if it evaluates to a valid timestamp.

Yes, if expires_at_expression is not set



This option sets how many seconds in advance to refresh a token before it expires.





If the provider uses refresh tokens, an initial refresh token is generally required to be able to fetch a new access token. Set this to a valid refresh token if that is the case. If the provider can also grant new refresh tokens, make sure to also set refresh_token_property.




Some providers can grant new refresh tokens in the same response as the new access token. If that is the case, this should be set to the name of the property that can contain a new refresh token, e.g. refresh_token. Note that the response is not required to contain a new refresh token (refresh tokens should not change very often).


For on-premise single subscriptions, new refresh tokens are only kept in memory. This means that pipes will start failing after a reboot if a new refresh token was previously fetched. The initial_refresh_token will need to be manually set to the new refresh token.


Notes on Jinja templates

(experimental) The payload, headers and params operation configuration properties are objects where the properties can be templated using Jinja (both the key and the values) with various dynamically bound parameters. This makes it possible to construct these request parameters dynamically. You can also control whether a particular property is included in the final object by injecting a special marker constant "sesam:markskip" using conditional logic. If this marker is present in the rendered template, then the property is omitted from its parent object. Note that you can use this marker in both keys and values.

An example:

    "_id": "our-rest-service",
    "name": "Our REST service",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "operations": {
        "post-operation": {
            "url" : "{{ properties.url }}/some-path",
            "method": "POST",
            "payload-type": "json",
            "payload": {
               "key": "value",
               "conditional_key": "{% if entity.conditional_property is defined %}{{ entity.conditional_property }}{% else %}sesam:markskip{% endif %}",
               "some_other_key{% if entity.other_conditional_property is not defined %}sesam:markskip{% endif %}": "other_value"

(experimental) You can use the special marker "sesam:markjson" to construct JSON objects, lists or single values from a templated string in the payload, headers and params operation configuration properties. It can be used to cast Jinja templated strings to JSON data types or construct objects or lists with conditional Jinja logic.

An example:

    "_id": "our-rest-service",
    "name": "Our REST service",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "operations": {
        "post-operation": {
            "url" : "{{ properties.url }}/some-path",
            "method": "POST",
            "payload-type": "json",
            "payload": {
               "key": "{{ properties.integer_property }}system:markjson",
               "some_other_key": "[{{ properties.arg1, \"literal value \"}}]sesam:markjson"

Result payload object:

"payload": {
    "key": 10,
    "some_other_key": [1.2, \"literal value \"]

When using the custom_auth feature, the access token and refresh token (if applicable) are available as dynamic parameters. Use this to construct the payload/headers/parameters for the operations, e.g. for a system that uses the bearer token format:

        "_id": "webcrm",
        "type": "system:rest",
        "url_pattern": "",
        "headers": {
            "Authorization": "Bearer {{ access_token }}"

See the example configurations for more examples on systems hat use custom_auth.

Example configuration

    "_id": "our-rest-service",
    "name": "Our REST service",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "operations": {
        "get-men": {
            "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/men/{{ since }}",
            "method": "GET"
        "get-man": {
            "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/{{ _id }}",
            "method": "GET"
        "get-woman": {
            "url" : "women/{{ properties.collection_name }}/{{ _id }}",
            "method": "GET"
       "delete-man": {
           "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/{{ _id }}",
           "method": "DELETE"
       "delete-woman": {
           "url" : "women/{{ properties.collection_name }}/{{ _id }}",
           "method": "DELETE"
       "update-man": {
           "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/",
           "method": "POST",
           "headers": {
               "Content-type": "application/xml"
       "update-woman": {
           "url" : "women/{{ properties.collection_name }}/",
           "method": "POST",
           "headers": {
               "Content-type": "application/json"
           "payload-type": "json"
       "form-operation": {
           "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/submit-form",
           "method": "POST",
           "payload-type": "form"
       "multipart-form-operation": {
           "url" : "men/{{ properties.collection_name }}/submit-multipart-form",
           "method": "POST",
           "payload-type": "multipart-form"

Example configurations with custom authentication

These are examples on how to use the custom_auth functionality towards various systems.


Tripletex uses basic authentication with “0” as the username. The authorization header needs to be constructed using Base64 encoding and bytes conversion. Additionally, an expiration date must be set when requesting a new access token:

    "_id": "tripletex",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "verify_ssl": true,
    "headers": {
        "Authorization": "Basic {{ ( ('0:' + access_token) | tobytes(encoding='utf-8') | b64encode).decode() }}"
    "custom_auth": {
        "get_token_operation": "fetch-session-token",
        "access_token_property": "token",
        "expires_at_expression": "{{ expirationDate }}"
    "operations": {
        "contact-list": {
            "id_expression": "{{ id }}",
            "method": "GET",
            "next_page_termination_strategy": "empty-result",
            "payload_property": "values",
            "url": "contact?fields=*,changes"
        "fetch-session-token": {
            "method": "PUT",
            "params": {
                "consumerToken": "$SECRET(consumer_token)",
                "employeeToken": "$SECRET(employee_token)",
                "expirationDate": "{{ (now() + timedelta(hours=48)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}"
            "payload_property": "value",
            "url": "token/session/:create"


Uses a bearer token, with the expiration time in seconds provided in the property ExpiresIn:

    "_id": "webcrm",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "verify_ssl": true,
    "headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer {{ access_token }}"
    "custom_auth": {
        "get_token_operation": "fetch-access-token",
        "access_token_property": "AccessToken",
        "expires_in_expression": "{{ ExpiresIn }}"
    "operations": {
        "fetch-access-token": {
            "url": "Auth/ApiLogin",
            "method": "POST",
            "payload": {
                "authCode": "$SECRET(application_token)"
        "get-operation": {
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "Bearer {{ access_token }}"
            "id_expression": "{{ PersonId }}",
            "url": "Persons?Page=1&Size=10",
            "method": "GET"


The authorization header is different from the typical bearer token format:

    "_id": "membercare",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "verify_ssl": true,
    "custom_auth": {
        "access_token_property": "value",
        "expires_at_expression": "{{ expiration }}",
        "get_token_operation": "fetch-access-token"
    "headers": {
        "token": "{{ access_token }}"
    "operations": {
        "companies-list": {
            "id_expression": "{{ debtorAccountNumber }}",
            "method": "GET",
            "payload_property": "result",
            "since_property_name": "changedAfter",
            "updated_expression": "{{ lastChange }}",
            "url": "v1/companies"
        "fetch-access-token": {
            "headers": {
                "accept": "text/plain"
            "method": "GET",
            "params": {
                "clientApiKey": "$SECRET(api_key)",
                "personToImpersonate": "person-to-impersonate"
            "url": "v1/token"
        "persons-list": {
            "id_expression": "{{ debtorAccountNumber }}",
            "method": "GET",
            "next_page_link": "{{ body.nextPageUrl }}",
            "payload_property": "result",
            "url": "v1/persons"


Hubspot uses OAuth2, meaning that using our OAuth2 machinery (see the URL system) works perfectly fine. This just demonstrates that you can also use custom_auth in a way that works towards OAuth2 systems using the ìnitial_refresh_token and refresh_token_property properties:

    "_id": "hubspot",
    "type": "system:rest",
    "url_pattern": "",
    "verify_ssl": true,
    "headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer {{ access_token }}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "custom_auth": {
        "get_token_operation": "fetch-access-token",
        "access_token_property": "access_token",
        "expires_in_expression": "{{ expires_in }}",
        "initial_refresh_token": "$SECRET(refresh_token)",
        "refresh_token_property": "refresh_token"
    "operations": {
        "fetch-access-token": {
            "url": "oauth/v1/token",
            "method": "POST",
            "headers": {
                "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            "payload": {
                "grant_type": "refresh_token",
                "refresh_token": "$SECRET(refresh_token)",
                "client_id": "$SECRET(client_id)",
                "client_secret": "$SECRET(client_secret)"
        "company-list": {
            "id_expression": "{{ id }}",
            "method": "GET",
            "next_page_link": "{{'?')[0]~'?after=' }}",
            "params": {
                "associations": "contacts,companies,deals,tickets,products,quotes",
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